Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas in the Carolinas

Hope you are all having a blessed holiday season! We've been having a wonderful time with family here in North Carolina! Please indulge me...just a bit...I'd like to share a little of how we spent our Christmas this year.  
My parent's home just as it was beginning to snow!
Our Christmas was in the heart of North Carolina. Even though we see my family often, we only get to spend Christmas together every 4-5 years. Four of the five siblings and their families were together this year. My sister, Sheri and her family were not able to come. We missed you guys!
While staying at my parents house we were all able to relax, eat, (really well!) play cards, watch movies and have fun just being together.
My Mom making her World Famous Homemade Biscuits!

Fireplace mantle at my parent's home
We made this hand print garland several years ago for my parents.  The mittens are made from plywood, painted, named, dated and then handprinted by each of the 13 grandchildren.

This Christmas card was given to my grandfather in 1911 by his grandmother. He was 5 years old.  He carried it in his Bible in entire life!
My daughter and her fiance' from California were thrilled to have snow on Christmas.  Fortunately, we all made it in without any trouble from the snow storm.
Just as the snow began.

Our White Christmas!
My precious Dad, drove me all over the place, so I could take pictures, without having to get out in the snow! Thank you, Dad!

My son, Garrison, taking pictures IN the snow. (It could not have been more than 30 degrees. So glad he dressed appropriately!) 

He may be getting ready for an expedition with Lewis and Clark! I'm not sure!
Look at this great shot he took! I may hire him as my photographer!

 The Dalton Gang 

I'd like to extend a big THANK YOU! to each and everyone of you
for making my first six months of blogging so wonderful!

Happy New Year!
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Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. You must not have been too far from me. The snow on Christmas day was so magical! I hope we get more soon. The pic of your son was too funny. I took one of my son-in-law standing with my husband and my soon to be SIL in pouring snow, around the fire pit in shorts. Christmas Memories.

  2. I love your pictures...I live in Raleigh, NC and loved the was amazing to see. You look like you had a wonderful christmas..Love the Christmas card you grandfather keep in his bible..what memories. Happy New Year.

  3. Beautiful snow pictures! What a nice looking family, too!

  4. Your mom looks like a sweet lady. Love the hand garland, beautiful snow, your son has some Tom Sawyer in him!

  5. I am so glad I found your blog this morning while having my coffee.
    Your photos are like a story book.
    I love your family home.
    How pretty- and that garland is amazing.

    I am a new follower!

    White Spray Paint

  6. Sonya your photos are magnificent. I felt like I was there. The hand print garland you had made for your Mom is such a neat idea. Happy New Year to you and your family. I look forward to more of your posts.

  7. Oh my gosh. Your parents must be so much fun to have that big of a family in for such an extended period of time. What great memories. I want to be exactly the same way when my children are grown. Merry Christmas.

  8. Now that post just screamed Family Christmas. You are very blessed. I love that pic of your son. Too funny. Beautiful snow photos for sure.

  9. WOW!! What gorgeous photos!! I've never commented on your blog...(just sort of lurked in the shadows).
    But I'm telling you!! Your Mom already has her Christmas card for next year with that shot of her front porch peeking through the snow covered trees!!
    Such a GREAT Christmas to remember! (BTW, I'm a neighbor down here in good ole SC)

  10. Oh my goodness the snow was just beautiful and what gorgeous pictures!Looks like you had a very Blessed Christmas and what an adorable shot of your son.

  11. Looks like a fabulous Christmas in NC ! I was so surprised we got snow on Christmas, that never happens.

  12. Sonya, love the old Christmas card, how neat. The photo of the house should be used for next year's Christmas card! That snow for Christmas must have been so special for y'all Southerners ;)


  13. Sonya thanx for sharing y our wonderful pics! I know snow is a pain for a lot of people but for those of us who do not get to see it often it looks like a dreamland. So glad you are enjoying your time with family! Have a safe trip back home.

  14. What a great post. Love that big gang photo on staircase, and the one of your son in the snow! How cute is he? Happy New Year!

  15. What a great card that last picture would make for next year for your Mom, Sonya! I see your son, Garrison, is a real card, like my own loveable son! How nice almost all of you were able to get together. Your parents have a nice, big house. My house, except for the porch, looks similar in size - hence the reason we are looking to downsize. You got some great shots and I hope everyone got home okay!

  16. Beautiful Pictures!! The snow is beautiful!! I love your mothers home!!

  17. Beautiful photos, and beautiful family! Happy New Year!

  18. The snow pictures are gorgeous!!! What a beautiful family! Love your sons outfit!!

  19. Sonya,
    Your pictures of the snow are snowed here also and I loved it! Also, your son is adorable...nice pose!
    Blessings to you,

  20. these are such sweet pictures - what a winter wonderland it turned into!

  21. Hi Sonya! Oh those pictures were incredible! I felt like I was looking at a Norman Rockwell painting and that one your son took was fabulous...he definitely has some talent, even if he isn't aware of how cold it was! :-) I adore the idea of the hand-print garland and I'm pretty sure that we will be doing that for the grandparents next year. You have a lovely family and as someone who hasn't spent a Christmas with my sister in 4 years I totally understand how very special that time is. Thank you so much for sharing it with us at the Inspiration Friday party and thank you for being a huge blessing to me on this blogging journey. You have been encouraging and welcoming and that has made it that much sweeter!
    Happy New Year,

  22. Hey Sonya!!! girl, I'm so behind on my blogging reading please forgive me! Those pictures are just beautiful!!!! I'm in SC right near the NC state line. Your mom's house is just beautiful! I love the card! So amazing it's almost years old!
    happy new year!

  23. Beautiful photos ~ and I adore the house! Your parents look great as does the entire family. I think it's wonderful that you could all be together, especially for a white Christmas.

    Happy New Year!

  24. So, so happy your family was here with us this Christmas! We had so much fun and will miss you guys like crazy. xoxo

  25. Looks like so much fun Sonya! Sounds like you guys had a wonderful visit! What a great post- love your son in the snow! Stopping by from Vanessa's today- Happy New Year to you and yours!

  26. It looks like you all had such a great time! Love that wooden mitten garland of all the grandkids. And your whole family is lovely!

  27. Oh My! a White Christmas ,I cannot imagine how lovley that would be ,but your photos help me to picture it!

  28. Pure magic, right down to your son's snow outfit. :)

    Your mom looks like such a darling. So chic for baking biscuits!

    So glad you had a white Christmas. How beautiful!


  29. So pretty are your pictures! I feel like I was there.

  30. What beautiful place to spend Christmas. How sweet that your Dad took you around so that you could take photos. I love all the wreaths on the windows of the house.

  31. Oh Sonya!!! What a beautiful Christmas you had! Your mother's home is picture perfect! Hope you have a wonderful 2011.

  32. What a beautiful family you have. We also had a white Christmas, MY FIRST ever, it was truly special. I got goosebumps seeing that Christmas card from your grandpa, how awesome. Maybe one day, my great grandkids will enjoy all the cards I save. :)

    Bella :)


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