Thursday, June 28, 2012

Have You Ever...?

Warning: ridiculously long run-on sentences ahead. 
 Have you ever had to push the lock button on your car key to honk the horn in order to find your car in the parking lot?

Have you ever called your husband to asked him a question and by the time he answers you can't remember why you called?

Have you ever made plans (for days or even weeks) to attend two different events and then at the last minute it dawns on you they're both on the same day at the same time? 
   I've heard this kind of thing can be blamed on anesthesia. 
 But my youngest is almost 15, so I'm guessing that's not it. 

  Have you ever sat down at the computer to pay bills or return emails and the next thing you know you're reading the "Hey, Girl" quotes on Pinterest and then you and your daughters are laughing so hard you're crying and saying things like "Wait, wait...I have to go the bathroom!"?

Have you ever started browsing Pinterest or Blogland and your heart starts racing and you're thinking
I want to make this! 
I want to paint that!
Gotta Pin this!
Gotta Pin that!
I want to go there!
I want to do this!
I want to create that!
I want to fill in your own want to here!

...and you're so inspired you don't know where to start and everything in your house needs to be repainted, refreshed, repurposed but you can't remember what it was you wanted to do first because you just found another wonderful idea to Pin and supper is burning on the stove...

And then...
after you rescue your supper
You happen to come across a post that makes you stop and think?
Truly, Stop and Think.
Maybe a post like the ones written by the gifted writer, Ann at
A Holy Experience.
And you think maybe... 
just maybe 
what I need to do is slow down.
Just slow down and be still. 
Be still and know. 
 God, the Ultimate Creator, put this desire to create in us. 
It's there for a reason. It drives us. Brings us joy. Helps us provide for our families. We like being inspired! And of course, there's the enormous sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes from creating.
 But the key to this gift of creativity is balance.

 Finding the right balance in the sources of my inspiration.
And making the time to be still.

This is my summer goal but I'm afraid my husband will still be saying things like..."Just call me back when you think of it."

How do you make the time to be still?

Coming up soon...
Beyond the Screen Door is moving to Wordpress!

The "Have you Ever...?" concept was blatantly copied from my daughter, Kaleigh!

Sharing with:
A Little Knick Knack EBTKS Party
French Country Cottage Feathered Nest Friday
At the Picket Fence Inspiration Friday


  1. Love this post. And not just because I walk from the sink to the pantry and have to stop and remember what I needed. :)

  2. Great post! Ironically, this is exactly what I've been telling myself this week! How perfect! You must be reading my mind!

  3. You hit the nail on the head when you referred to finding balance. I think that we deal with that from the moment we take our first step. Think about it: to walk, we have to be willing to go from a point of balance (standing), to a point of unbalance (stepping out), and back to a point of balance. It's interesting that on so many levels, "we have to learn to walk before we can run." Thanks for an inspiration for the day. Cherry Kay

  4. BAHAHAH I think I shall take credit for this post, thank you very much! lol JK! I can almost hear Daddy saying "just call me back" lol

  5. So beautiful and timely Sonya! Just last night I felt that nudging...the reminder of "what is consuming your thoughts?" I know He gave me this desire to create but I also know that He wants my heart to be in the right place and not just filled with thoughts of home projects. :-) Thanks so much for sharing this today!

  6. What fun. Yes, I have done some of those things. That is how I clean house, as I go to do one thing, I ened up doing something else. Smiles, Susie

  7. If I start with my bible, my devotion and a cup of coffee in the morning 99.9% of the time I have a great day and feel very balanced... so why don't I do this every day???? Your gonna love Wordpress!

  8. This post is "so me"! Thanks for sharing this, and have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Looove me some Ryan Gosling. This made my heart pick up a bit on a boring Friday at work! PS- have done all of those... several times.

  10. Wonderful reminder that I really needed to hear. Thank you for sharing.

  11. What a beautiful post, Sonya. Just beautiful. :) Isn't Ann Voskamp the most inspiring woman??? She totally humbles me.

    xoxo laurie

  12. lol I think as woman we do this all the time :)


  13. I love a good Hey girl quote! You are so funny! I love this post.


  14. all i can say is everything you said is totally me from the fiest word you the last. thank you for making me stop and think. bless you, susy

  15. Many of these sounds familiar, and I am sure I am reaching that stage where forgetfulness is part of me :-)

  16. I think that's the way life is for most people. I also think it is so very important to slow down, really "be" with family & friends and enjoy each moment.

    Great post!


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