Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Boring Window Treatments?...Not Here!

 When I shop for fabrics I am always drawn to
patterns and textures.
I walk through the fabric store with my
hand out...touching the fabrics as I walk by!
(Tell me I'm not alone in this!)
 Oh, well!  To me, what the fabric feels like
makes a difference in whether I want to use it or not!
I love mixing different patterned fabrics
Especially on window treatments!
Mixing fabrics that at first
glance you wouldn't think of putting together. 
But thinking outside the box gives you an end result
that is unique, original and very appealing!
(Floral fabric is now discontinued.) 
This bathroom window treatment
 is just plain fun!
And very unexpected! 
At least I think so...they make me
smile every morning!!!
Here's a sneak peak of a few of the many
window treatments I hope to show
you in the near future!

To those of you who may be stuck
in a "beige world" I hope this encourages you
to step into the world of color!

Have a truly Blessed Day!
Linking to:


  1. These are beautiful! You are such a talented girl!

    The bathroom treatments are my favorite...love the mix of fabrics!


  2. I've been over here hanging out for awhile, enjoying all your great creative posts. Just joined as a follower. Love what you're doing over here!!
    hugs and blessings,

  3. Love the fabric and pattern blends; wonderfully quirky at times. Definitely NOT boring; yeah for creativity! Pam @ Sallygoodin

  4. Just found your blog. What great window treatments! Looking forward to seeing more.

  5. Your bathroom window treatments are gorgeous! Can't wait to see more of the teaser photos...I'm loving those, too!

  6. In case you weren't aware-- your oldest, less than capable of sewing, daughter is getting married in a year and will need a notebook full of window treatment, pillow & bed spread ideas soon. Just FYI.

    Love you!

  7. This is a wonderful window treatment. You are right I would never have put them together but they are great together. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Those are some of the prettiest window treatments EVER! Love them all.

  9. Girlfriend, I thought this was your link. I seriously want to raid your fabric stash. I can't wait to see all of your creations. We seriously need to go shopping together :). Thanks for linking with Fabric Fun Thurs.

  10. Oh, and by the way, "Yes!", I must touch all of the fabrics!

  11. Oh~My~Stars!!! The bathroom window treatment is 2DIE4!!! That would SO be something I would get for my home! SO ME!! Love the fabrics and mixing them is just genius!!

    I love the other ones too and can't wait to see more!!! I wish I could sew!!

    I am a follower!! I WILL be back!

    Lou Cinda :)

  12. Yum yum yum! I will be back. I'd trade 10 giveaway posts elsewhere for one of your inspirational ideas. Thanks for your personal post, and the motivation to be colorful!

  13. Hi Sonya! Just found your blog through Kim at Cheap Chic Home. I'm a toucher, too! Sometimes I am surprised that a fabric feels different than I'm thinking it would feel, so I think touching/feeling it is a good idea. Love those bathroom window treatments. I like things like that myself ~ something a little different, unique and whimsical!

  14. I was so thrilled to discover your blog today! LOOOVE your style and use of different fabrics. I am so a pattern and color girl too! The window treatments in your bathroom are just the look I want for my house. I am looking forward to seeing lots more of your beautiful home!

  15. Ohhh~do you do pillows, too? The window treatments are so individual and so fun! I can dither for hours over what coordinates with what, so I'm impressed with what you've done.

  16. Just gorgeous work you have done with that fabric! I love the unexpected pleasure of the way they work together.

  17. Oh...my! I love your window treatments. I don't know which I like more. The combination of fabrics is just stunning. I need to make some window treatments myself...I better get busy. Thanks for the inspiration.

  18. I love those curtains! And I feel every fabric too! My mom passed it down to me =)

  19. Are you in Oklahoma? So am I. I just became a follower. Can't wait to see more of those curtains.

  20. I am in love with these fun and colorful window treatments. I am a new follower and I love your blog and all your ideas. I am wondering how close you live to me. I live in the Texas Panhandle area. My daughter just bought her first house and could use some great window treatment ideas.

    Also, I looked at your neutral bedroom vs colorful bedrooms and I know that clean neutral color schemes seem to be the thing right now but I wonder what you would do with all your color? I feel a little trapped in my color and can't find a way to bring in the neutral scheme without completely starting over and I can't afford to do that. Plus I think I would keep trying to put the color back in.

    Oh yeah, I touch everything too and smell all candles.

  21. Oh I REALLY adore this project. I have the same floral fabric.

    Happy 4th of July!

  22. These are just gorgeous...and yes, I also TOUCH everything!!

  23. great job, I really love the first one!

  24. These are beautiful. I love it.

  25. LOVE those together! Where did you get those gorgeous fabrics?? You did a wonderful job and finding a place in my inspiration file!:)

  26. Okay so I just looked at the larger pic of your bathroom treatments and I just saw that you have little fleur de leis clips. I LOVE um! Again where did ya get those cuties?? I have never seen those before.

  27. So I found the clips and they are adorable. Have no idea what I will use um for but now I know where to get um. Tried locating the rose fabric you have with no luck. DO you mind sharing the name of the print and maker?? Pretty please?:)

  28. Oh I am loving these! I hope you'll stop over and share them on my new linky MOMSPIRATION MONDAYS so my folks can find you =)

  29. These are all great treatments.

    The fabric for the panels in your first picture happens to be my very favorite, and might I add DISCONTINUED fabric. I was wondering if there was any chance you might have found it recently somewhere and could clue me in?

    I've saved all that I have (about 16 yards), afraid to cut it until I find another 8 yards.

    I used it as panels for the living room in my previous house, and now in my foyer here at the new one. I love, love, love it.

  30. I have fabric that is small black and tan gingham but I like this larger print better. Can you tell me where to get this fabric??? I love your stuff and blog...gonna follow for sure.

  31. These are awesome, and yes very very unexpected! You ROCK girl!

  32. OH MY! I love your style! Love the curtains...and LOOOOOVE what you said about beige being boaring!!! I love all the colors and whimsy I see in your decorating! I don't understand how so many are going with all whites...beiges and neutrals! I am so glad I found your blog! Nancy

  33. Love your work. Where can I get the floral fabric with the robin egg blue background love it.


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