Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cabana Style Awning for the Laundry Room

How fun is this?  An awning for the laundry room!

This was a first for me! In all my years of sewing I have never made an awning. But, feeling up for the challenge, I said "Sure, no problem!" when Elizabeth asked if I would make one for her laundry room.

To be truthful...I might have been just a tad too confident that this would be a "no problem" project!  

Keeping in mind her existing blue countertops, Elizabeth went with this fun, blue, seashell pattern wallpaper when she recently re-wallpapered the room.  She and her family LOVE the beach and take a trip to the gulf almost every summer. So this pattern was a great choice! 
She chose this wide yellow and white stripe to make the awning! As you can see, Elizabeth uses a lot of red in her decorating. She thought this yellow would be a great addition to the red, white and blue color scheme.  I agree!
Loving pompom fringe and not being able to find a blue in the right size and color we opted for white with blue rick-rack for our trim detail. 

To make the awning I had to consider the width of the window, the distance we wanted the awning to extend from the wall, the height of the awning as it related to the extension, where the scallops fell in regards to the stripes, how long to make the scallops, where to place the trim, how to cut the triangle of the side pieces so the stripe would stay straight, how to mount it to the wall and how to make it keep it's shape! Whew! (This is why there is no tutorial!)

In the end it took all the geometry skills I vaguely possess to figure it out!  But really, what could be more unique and fun for this room?

I spoke to Elizabeth recently and she said,
"I love my laundry room! I think it's the best laundry room EVER!" what makes doing what I do
the best job EVER!

Do you have a room in your house that you feel this way about?
I'd love to hear about it!


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  1. It looks great ! I haven't done one of those in quite a few years. Did you make it as a cornice with a skirt ?

  2. The awning looks FABULOUS! What a great space and even I would probably ENJOY doing laundry there! Very clever.

  3. That is just adorable. I think we should have a laundry party at Elizabeth's. Good job with all the Geometry. You should speak at the high school about how useful those Geometry skills will be one day! I've always said one must be very smart in order to sew. :) xxoo

  4. Tammy, I mounted it on a 1x3 but the form is actually foam core. I didn't want any hardware to show, so I cut the foam core and slid it in between the fabric and the lining.

  5. How much fun! You did a great job on this. I see she isn't afraid of color like me...thanks for your sweet comments on the wedding prep.

  6. Love it, Sonya! I have to say it is a really great looking laundry room! I love the wallpaper she used {although, I'm a not-in-my-house wallpaper lover}. This looks like a "happy" room with the colors used.

  7. This is an adorable room and the awning is too cute! Great job!

  8. Clever, clever, clever. Enjoy your blog. I have been following for a while. I have a dilemma today though. I have recently viewed a blog post, made a mental note to go back to it, then forgot which blog I was on. So, my question is have you recently posted a blog about a new rug in your kitchen? Thanks.

  9. What an awesome laundry room! Love the pop of yellow, and you did a great job with the awning.

  10. That is one of the most creative things I have seen lately! I just absolutely adore it! You did a fabulous job and this might just tip the scales in favor of me wallpapering my laundry room. I've been debating between that and painting. Thanks so much for showing us are one talented lady!

  11. Well done. Insert applause sound. :) I only received on D in my education years and it was in Geometry. That side of my mind just never really developed.
    I also love that awning stripe for an awning. It's just a happy cheerful look and I really liked the addition of the blue rick rack.
    Thanks so much for your encouraging comment on my living room redo panic attack.
    Pam @ Becolorful

  12. Nice Work. So very cute and cheerful.

  13. Super cute! I think an awning would be cute in the boys room or even on our stair landing.

  14. I got tired just reading the project specs paragraph, but I know exactly what you mean. She needs a soda dispenser in there, now ;).

  15. That is the cutest laundry room. The cornice is so darn cute with the red and blue in the room.

  16. Wow, you are so talented! The room looks great and the canopy is such a unique part of it. The colors are bright and happy and yes, the yellow stripe is just perfect.

  17. Sonya I have been meaning to get by here and tell you much I adore her laundry room. You did a fabulous job creating a fun, unique and very cheerful space. LOVE the awnings. Precious! I am very much enjoying your blog. You should link up your kitchen with Kelly's Korner. I posted early but it's in the am so you have plenty of time for sure. I know your kitchen is awesome and everyone should see it. Her blog is very popular.

    Thanks for your kind words on my ideas on switching things around and on our kitchen too. I felt like you could really see what I was after in my head. My hubby has been so busy with work though I'm afraid it will have to take a back seat for now since I would need his help. Who knows I may be getting all of kinds of new decorating opportunities if and when we move next year anyway. It's okay. We shall see.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I'll keep my eye out for your kitchen photos. Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  18. Hi Sonya! Just had to stop back by and thank you for joining the party this week! This was definitely and inspirational project! :-)

  19. I absolutely love this project!! The awning came out beautifully! It looks perfect above that window!!! Would love if you would consider joining my Feathered Nest Friday party- this is a great decorating inspiration! :)

  20. What a cute awning! You are very talented with the sewing machine! I am
    Thank you for the visit to my blog, and liking my shed in progress! Can you believe she was taking that door to the dump???? Crazy, I say!


  21. That is adorable. I just love it! You did a great job and that she is very lucky to have such a cute laundry room!

  22. What a fun laundry room! Might as well make it as fun of a room as possible to do one of my most dreaded shores. :) I love the shutters too.

  23. Darn tootin' CUTE!!
    Almaost makes me want to do laundry.

  24. Adorable! I made two awnings once (I cheated and used a Pate meadows pattern) and will tell you that it tested all of my skill to hang the thing! What a great and creative job...I might even want to fold clothes in there - or not!

  25. Hi Sonya,
    I am so glad you joined the party!! I love this awning!! It is just so much fun- love it! Thanks for joining in!~ btw-I did not know your daughters name is Courtney! Great choice in naming her!! :)

  26. What a fun and creative ideal! I love it! Just may steal that one in the future...

  27. Super, super cute! You are very talented. I don't think I've ever seen your blog before...what fun...I'll come back to visit soon.

  28. They turned out darling! I need a tutorial for this but understand why you didn't make one. I need to make a long one, any tips on how to do the base that sticks out? I'm planning to do one for my 'diner' themed kitchen. See it here:

  29. So fun, wow, I think this is the best room ever, can't believe it's a LAUNDRY room, lol. It is so beautiful, and the awning, is gorgeous, so cheerful, and bright. I love it. I am host to a weekly party ** Amaze me AUgust** and would REALLY love if you shared this fantastic project on there. I appreciate all the support, from everyone, and hope to see you there. Your HAPPY newest follower Bella :)

  30. Sonya, This is so fun and the perfect touch for the laundry room! Fantastic job - love the stripes. Thanks so much for linking to The Sunday Showcase. I'll be featuring this today. Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you have a wonderful week. ~ Stephanie Lynn

  31. So glad you linked up this pretty and cheerful project to my Motivated Monday party at Becolorful. It is such a fun colorful look.
    I just reread my first comment when I saw this. Wow. I need to proof what I write before hitting that post button. :) It looks like I should have received a D in typing as well as Geometry. :)

  32. This is what I want in my kitchen...I just love the look!!~


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