Monday, October 4, 2010

Custom TOMS...Once Again!

 Remember a few weeks ago when I painted a pair of TOMS for my 22yr old?  Well, little sister decided she wanted a pair as well!

We used the same canvas style as the first pair. My youngest daughter is 13.  Like her big sister, she searched online for pictures of designs she liked and printed them out for me to use as inspiration. She also chose the paint colors.

She wanted a tropical flower, a wave pattern, a green zebra stripe, her initial "K" on the side (not visible) and pink wings on the heels!

The scripture she chose is "The shall mount up with wings as eagles" Isaiah 40:31, which we put on the inner side of each shoe.  She wanted this scripture to reference the pink wings!

When we were finished painting, we used good 'ole E-6000 to glue the crystals across the seam of the toe!
She was so excited! When I finished and told her she could wear them the next day she said, "I already have my outfit all picked out!"
Isn't it a great feeling when you can truly please your kids? Especially your teenage kids!

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  1. Sonya these are fabulous!! Very artistically created!

    Art by Karena

  2. i rem the other pair u painted you are quite the artist and your girls have a eye for art can tell how they pick the pic's out and they all blend so well together..

  3. So cute! It is wonderful to use our hands creating to put a smile on those precious faces....memories are being made here for sure!

  4. Darling! I love how those shoes came out...

  5. These are adorable! You are quite talented and I think your daughter must be too due to the designs she chose. :-)


  6. Sonya, These are wearable works of art! Beautiful. I would LOVE a pair of these!
    I think you are one very creative lady. I love to see what you will post next.

  7. Way tooooo cute! Very creative, and they look awesome!

  8. My daughter loves toms!! In fact she is typing this right now!!

  9. Totally blown away!!! You are very talented and so sweet to make such beautiful shoes for your girls...and fulfill every request for what she wanted on those shoes ;) Great job! I am new in this world and I'm now a follower. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  10. I love you take custom orders?

  11. My daughter has a pair of burlap ones that have seen better days, maybe she will let me practice on them and decorate them. Great idea!

  12. This is such a great idea! AND TOMS are such great shoes!


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