Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Disneyland and a Secret Mission!

Just how he popped the question!
All photos in this post are by Stacy Ramsey at Stacy Ramsey Photography.
I know I'm doing this backwards. I just shared how Courtney asked her friends to be bridesmaids. All of you were so sweet with your congratulations and comments that I wanted to back up a bit and share just how Drew asked her.
Drew planned the whole thing with a little help from his family. It all started with a, "Hey, let's go to Disneyland". When you live in Orange County & have Disney passes, making quick day trips over to Disneyland is easy! 
So Drew & Courtney, Drew's brother Ty and his wife Stacy, all headed over to Disneyland.  Now, Stacy happens to be a professional photographer!  So, Stacy setting up photo scenarios was not suspect!
Like..."Let's take pictures in front of the castle!"
And then it was time!...Down on one knee...Bring out the ring...
"Will you marry me?"
Courtney cried! (No surprise here, I'm afraid. I passed down a major crying gene to my girls.)
They got a huge applause from everyone around them! Courtney said so many people offered congratulations and stories of how they, too, got engaged at Disneyland.
Here they are calling all the family! Being the diligent Mom that I am, I was taking a nap! It was Sunday afternoon after all! What can I say?
"Hello, people! Why is no one answering their phones? I'm getting engaged here!!!"  The message I heard on our answering machine when I woke up.

Stacy also took these amazing engagement photos. 
I think this shot is very "grapes of wrath".
 Please, take a minute and go visit Stacy at stacyramsey.com to see more of her amazing photography!

Congratulations, Drew and Courtney!
I love you!

I hope you've enjoyed this little glimpse into what is sure to be a big part of our lives over the next few months!
Because, you'll be seeing more wedding projects and plans!


A Little Knick Knack


  1. Oooooohhhh I am so happy for them both...and you! How exciting!

    I left an extremely long comment on the last post and it wouldn't publish for some crazy reason!

    I am soooooo jealous that you are one step closer to being a grandmother than me;)! My daughter is in a very serious relationshp and he is not moving fast enough for me;)! I NEED some grandbabies and he hasn't even popped the question yet!

    I can't wait to follow along with the wedding plans...I am hoping to steal some ideas;)! Congrats to your beautiful daughter!


  2. Oh, how enchanting and magical... just like Disneyland! Congratulations again to the lovely couple. And LOVE that last photo! Courtney's eyes look gorgeous and Drew is a very handsome young man!!!
    P.S. Beautiful ring too!

  3. Way to go Drew...gotta love a man with a well thought out plan...congrats to you and your special daughter

  4. Congratulations to all of you! Seems like you live among alot of creative people. Can't wait to see what you all come up with. Beautiful pictures!

  5. See, this is why I like you Sonya, you admit to taking a nap on a Sunday afternoon and don't give a da*n who knows it! : ) I love Sunday afternoon naps myself. These pictures turned out great! I love those last few, especially the ones in front of the train car and the mill(?). So many details to deal with; I thought doing my daughter's baby shower last year was stressful!

  6. So fun, and such a gorgeous couple!

  7. What a sweet story and I have to say I love the napping part!:) Oh and that crying gene is horrible. I passed it down to Oldest. He cries over the sweetest things. Has a heart of gold.

  8. Congrats on their engagement. Beautiful ring! Super photos. Thanks for sharing these.

  9. What a fun way to get engaged!! I love her message on the machine. Sooo funny!!

  10. Sonya, I LOVE this!!! A guy who would plan all of this out like this is a special guy! And your daughter is beautiful! A wonderful couple and a wonderful day! LOVE the photos!!

    Can't wait to see more of the planning!!

    Lou Cinda

  11. That's WONDERFUL documentation of the "moment"...I got engaged Christmas morning and since I'm the pictue taker in the family, we have NO PICTURES of that moment...I've thought about staging it again to get some but it just wouldn't be the same. Oh and BTW...I cried too!! I can't wait to follow you and the process of the showers, wedding and all else! LOVE your stuff! CUTE couple!!!

  12. What a sweet story! She will definitely have the fairytale storybook between the asking, the bridesmaids and all!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Such a lovely story begin to unfold-please continue to keep us posted on "the princess story"!!I'm your newest follower-Claire

  15. Applause Applause Applause! :)

    That is so sweet. I love that story! Congrats and that is a gorgeous ring! :)


  16. Exciting!!!! You daughter is very lucky! I am jealous of the ring!!

  17. How wonderful ,I know what you mean about the crying sometimes I only need to think sentimental thoughts and there I go it is inherited my mother has it too but I tonk its recessive my daughter doesn't affected:).
    Having been to Disneyland only once 10 years ago, I am so jeatlous ,but I have a trip booked to go again in May ,cannot wait!!!

  18. That is sooo sweet! I love that proposal! Congrats to you and your daughter and her fiance!

  19. oh! so precious!!! What a delightful beginning to a beautiful new life together!!
    Many, Many Blessings!

  20. How sweet! How wonderful that the sneaky future sister in law captured those great photos. I really like the one w/the bikes.

  21. Are they 2 gorgeous young folks or what? I loved reading their engagement story and those pictures are beautiful. Like magazine worthy! One of the things I like best about Inspiration Friday is that it is a place where we can share so much more than decorating and I'm so glad you linked this up this week Sonya! :-)

  22. What a great story! Made me smile really big. I love those photos! LOVE THEM.


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