Sunday, January 2, 2011

Will You Be My Maid...?

He popped the question and she said, YES!
2011 is going to be a great year! Our family is looking forward to so many exciting things.  One of the most exciting is a wedding!
My oldest daughter, Courtney, is engaged! So as we start making wedding plans, I want to show you her first project...the creative and fun way Courtney asked her friends to be bridesmaids!

Five years ago, when Kaleigh, our second daughter (and soon-to-be Maid of Honor) was a senior in high school, she played Babette, the Feather Duster, in her High School's production of "Beauty and the Beast".

Lori as the Witch, Westin as a silly girl, Megan as Belle and Kaleigh as Babette. 
These girls have been close friends since 7th grade!
Courtney made her a "bouquet" for opening night out of a big feather duster, flowers and ribbons.  She took this idea and created a wedding "bouquet" for each of her 11 attendants (Yes, ELEVEN!) 9 Bridesmaids and 2 Jr. Bridesmaids.

Using ribbon, tulle, burlap, silk flowers and 11-$.97 white feather dusters from Wal-mart, she created a unique bouquet for each girl.

She attached a card to the bouquet asking the question...  

 "Maid?"..."Jr. Maid?" and...

"MOH"... "MOH" ???  (Translation: Maid of Honor)  She ran out of letters and question marks! But, hey, this one was for her sister so it's ok!

Didn't they turn out cute?  Courtney said she may have the girls use these for practice during the rehearsal. Very creative and unique! Just like my sweet girl!

Where DID the time go? And...How can I be
old enough to have a daughter getting married?

"There is a time for everything,
     and a season for every activity under heaven."     
                                                    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NIV

Just to put things in perspective!

Have a Wonderfully Blessed Day!

Life in my PJsPhotobucket

Beyond The Picket Fence


  1. How creative! She has her mom's talent. This is one of the neatest ideas and I'm sure the girls loved their feather duster!

    Congratulations to the happy couple...and parents too!


  2. Oh, how wonderful! Congratulations to Courtney and her fiance, and her ring looks beautiful!! And what a unique way of asking her friends and family to be bridesmaids, but a lot of work for her too! But what a nice memory for all to have... Congratulations too, to the Mother of the Bride! :)

  3. How exciting - a wedding to plan! Very creative idea!

  4. Aww so cute, what a great simple and CHEAP idea. Beautiful. Congrats to your daughter, and planning a wedding is always fun :)

    I would love for you to link up **Amaze me August** ANYTIME, I would really love to have you.

    Also for a chance to win 3 FREE months advertising on my blog, come enter my giveaway.

    Can't wait to see ya there !!

    Bella :)

  5. Congrats! Such a cute idea. It will be a fun ride, we had two daughters marry within one year. Yikes....

  6. What a creative way to ask! Obviously, the creative gene runs in your family, Sonya! Her ring is beautiful, too. You've got a fun-filled year ahead! Congratulations to Courtney and her fiancee, and to you and your hubby as well! : )

  7. Nice! My daughter made these signs with Bride and Groom on them to hang on the back of their chairs at the reception!

  8. Congratulations! Your daughter is very creative just like her mom.

  9. That is awesome. She should market those, really that is super creative! Congrats to her and your family!

  10. Those are so pretty, and what a great way to make the bridal party feel extra special.

  11. Congrats congrats congrats!! What an exciting year this will be for you and your family Sonya! What a neat creative way to pop the question! Those are super cute and your daughters ring is simply to die for!!! Congrats again! First comes marriage and then the baby carriage!:)

  12. So So cute! She must get her creative talent from her mama. I have never been able to comment over here until now because of some problems that are obviously fixed now, but I love your work! You make the prettiest and most unique curtains and things. You are one of my inspirations in blog land. Congrats to the bride and groom to be.

  13. Congratulations, looks like you two will have lots of fun planning the details of the wedding from the looks of things!

  14. How fun to have a wedding to plan!! I'm not ashamed to admit I look forward to "hearing" about it through your blog! This was such a cute idea! We mad bouquets out of the ribbons & bows from my showers to use for the rehearsal but I like this so much better!

  15. Congrats! Congrats! And what a clever idea!

  16. Wow - congratulations to you all! What an exciting year you have ahead of you. Of course, Courtney inherited your creativeness! The feather bouquets are adorable.

  17. Oh Sonya congratulations! Talk about "ringing" in the New Year! :-) Your daughter is beautiful as is her ring and what the creativity and talent (and beauty!) definitely runs in the family. Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

  18. How Wonderful! Congrats!! And isn't she a chip off of your creative self?? Talent runs in the family!

    She is beautiful, and what a wonderful 2011 you have to look foward to!

    Lou Cinda

  19. Sweet congrats! They are both beautiful and to see her create must make you so happy! This is going to be one wedding I am sure!

  20. Congrats! I can't wait to see all the projects! Seems like your daughter has your talent! This is such a great idea! I am going to to have to save this for when I get married ... one day! LOL

  21. Like mother, like daughter! What a cute idea. I hope you're planning on sharing EVERYTHING with us. I'm helping with a couple of weddings this year and would love to get a little inspiration from you!

  22. First of all, congratulations!

    Second, you have a very talented and gorgeous daughter!

    Take care,

  23. So creative--and congratulations. Planning a wedding with a daughter is one of the best times ever!

  24. Darling is RIGHT! What a great idea and what a cute girl. Congrats! Your an M.O.B!


    P.S. I'm really enjoying your blog. I decided to follow. I hope you will come by and say hi!

  25. Congrats to the groom to be! She's pretty and creative! You will have a great time ahead.

  26. My oldest daughter is getting married this May. We've had some fun already planning her economical-kind of 'green' wedding.
    I'm sure you two will have fun as well.
    Congrats to all.
    Cute idea w/the feather bouquets.


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