Sunday, March 6, 2011

29 Years and Counting - A Love Story

Once upon a time there was a naive young girl who left her small, southern town and moved west to the land of tumbleweeds and tornadoes.

Okay, a novelist I AM NOT! But, I would like to tell you a little love story. So, if you're inclined to read along...
Is it possible to recognize the love of your life when you're only 14? Highly unlikely but looking back that's how it seemed to me.
The summer before my freshman year in high school my family moved from Virginia to Oklahoma.  We began attending a new church that was at least four times bigger than anything I'd previously attended. It seemed huge! I'd never seen so many cute boys! But one in particular stood out from the rest.

The sanctuary of our church was built as a semi-circle so the benches were curved. You could easily glance down the way and see everyone else seated on your row. This cute new guy, who had caught my attention would oh, so casually lean forward, resting his arms on his knees. Then he would oh, so casually glance down the row and depending on the mood I was in, either catch my eye or see me pretending he wasn't there.

Thus was the beginning. Not really the stuff movies are made of.
As Summer moved into Fall the church youth group hosted a hayride. This cute guy and I ended up sitting next to each other in the wagon.  This may have been the first time we'd even said complete sentences to each other. While holding my hand, hidden by the hay, he asked me how old I was. I promptly replied, "Going on 15." 
Now, this was October. I'd just turned 14 in August! Technically, I suppose, I was telling the truth. But as I was to learn later, my future husband was 19! Soon to be 20! This age gap seemed insurmountable!
But that evening, with all the wisdom of my 14 years, I told my best friend, "He's going to be important in my life." I wanted to say, "I'm going to marry him someday." But I wasn't that self-confident. Plus, it just sounded too corny! Too much like all the romance novels I'd been reading. (And still read!)

Life went on. Not much happened except a little flirting here and there. Glances during church and so on. Oh, there was that one kiss during the church youth party. Oh, yeah, and another kiss during another youth party.  Just two. That's all.
Our first official date was my 16th birthday.  He took me to see the musical Oliver Twist.  Believe me, he must have really liked me because this is NOT his thing! NOT AT ALL! He made the mistake of asking what I'd like to do.
No laughing! Remember this is 1982!  And yes, the carpet is purple.
We were married when I was 18 and he 24. Actually 18&1/2...but still, not something I would ever recommend to my children. But the blessings and joys of the past twenty nine years IS something I pray each of my children experience.

You see, this precious man, my Scott, is the love of my life. A God given gift. A blessing. 
The man that makes me laugh even when I'm so mad I'd rather scream. 
The man that keeps me level when I'm more prone to be on a roller coaster. 
The man that gives me free rein to create to my heart's content and knows how much I need to create.
The man that fills up my car with gas. 
Brings me Dr. Peppers. 
Brings me old chairs instead of flowers! (Best gift ever!)
Allows me numerous trips to visit my family, halfway across the country, even when he can't come along.
Allows me to put my cold feet on his legs to get them warm.
Allows me to blog when he'd rather I turn out the lights.
Who takes me out to eat at places he doesn't like, only because I do.
Who gave me me four precious children.
Who is the best Dad, ever
left to right: Scott, Garrison, Sonya Courtney, Drew (Courtney's fiance') Kaleigh and Karianne.
 The man who loves me.
Today is our 29th Wedding Anniversary!
I'm Blessed...and still counting!



  1. oh how can you 2 even be 29 yrs old!!! Congrats to make this many years is a accomplishment, seems the younger generation marry and divorce before they really even know each other, i wish you many many more good and happy years together.

  2. What a precious story of a wonderful couple. I knew both of you during that time, but had no idea so much was going on!! You are both deserving of each other. You committment to God, each other and your family is so commendable and admired and we love you all so much! Not to mention all of the talent in both of you!! Wow, God did such a perfect job with you two!! Love you both so much! Vicki & Dan

  3. Sorry, it should be "your" committment...I might be spelling that wrong...sorry...I have really messed this up!! It is 5:28am and I have been up for please excuse all of this!!

  4. Happy Anniversary Sonya! I love a "love story"! Wishing you both many more to come :)!

  5. What a beautiful love story! Many blessings today and into the next 29 years!

  6. I ate up every word you wrote! How wonderful this is and I am happy you posted it, I shared it with my hubs this morning over coffee. What a great love story and you are right to count your blessings! That is one good looking guy and the kids aren't bad either.

  7. Congratulations to you and Scott! What a fabulous love story and you certainly DID write it beautifully! I was at the edge of my seat the entire time! 29 More years of wedded bliss to both of you! xox

  8. Happy Anniversary,Sis! Scottie is definitely a keeper. You guys are a great example of the way life should be lived; staying in love, raising a great family, and living out your faith in God every day. Love you both bunches.

  9. Happy Anniversary, Sonya! What a great story and I loved reading it {Harlequin Romances watch out!}. I love the picture of the two of you at the end and you both look so happy. It's amazing how fast the time goes by, isn't it?

  10. Happy Anniversary Sonya! What a beautiful story. As I was reading this I was thinking about my soon to be High schooler. I just envision him to be the same way with love. He will know what he wants when he see's it and be very loyal to that relationship...I could be all wrong, but I do believe he is going to have a story like this. Now my younger one...not so much, I won't even share what I think LOL!!~ Thanks for sharing! XO

  11. Congratulations! I asked Lynn on our 30th what we would be doing for the next thirty years! I was 21 when we married, horrors how young? But, I think part of the staying together was the growing up together and bonding. Plus we hadn't boucned around a lot in dating, so there was not the "oh easy ... I'll just move on." But the number one in our life is Christ. Hard to explain to non-believers how that is so important. When I say that they look at me like I'm wierd or something. But I just keep saying it.

  12. What a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. You too look so happy and good looking together! Happy Anniversary!

  13. Happy Anniversary. What a sweet love story. I enjoyed it and I am so glad you shared it. Neither one of you look like you could be married for that long even if you were young on your wedding day. You are a great looking couple and such beautiful children too.

  14. Happy Anniversary! Loved your story.

  15. Oh Happy Anniversary Sonya! My hubby and I were just talking the other day about how when you get married you "think" you know and yet what a huge leap of faith it is (even when you trust that God brought you together), because it is only when you encounter the highs and lows of life together that you REALLY KNOW, ya know? :-) I thought I knew that my hubby would be a good father but I couldn't have predicted just how FABULOUS he would be. What a wonderful legacy you are leaving your children of a marriage based on love and following the Lord together through all of life's ups and downs! :-)
    Thank you for sharing your love story with us!

  16. I don't remember (sniff) how I found your blog (sniff) and I haven't even looked around yet (blows nose) this first post just made me cry and love you! and your hubby...and kids... ok, I am sentimental, sue me! I gotta wipe my eyes and look around on your blog!!! I do hope you'll come see me!

    Donna ps I am your newest follower!!

  17. Certainly is novel worthy and also very novel when so many couples who meet and marry young grow apart instead of together. Very special and inspiring. I wish the same for your children and mine. May God bless you with at least 29 more.

  18. Happy 29th anniversary! My wedding dress looked so much like yours, although I didn't wear a hat. Isn't it amazing when you can look back on how God's worked in your life when you weren't even aware of it? Blessings sweet friend. I'm wishing you many more years of a full and blessed life.

  19. I have been enjoying your blog and I love this post! I married my high school sweetheart and I, like you, was able to see true love at a very young age. :)
    Happy Anniversary!!!

  20. Congratulations ! What a blessing indeed... and yes, I can imagine falling in love at 14 because that's how my hubby and I started - I was 14 and he was 16. We just celebrated 28 years married in February. I was 20, he was 22..... a bit older than you, but not by much - lol !

    Happy Anniversary to both of you !


  21. Happy Anniversary to you both! Wishing you many more years of love together.

    Romantic Domestic

  22. Okay, Sonya, I'm about to cry! What a sweet story (and I remember a "memorable" wedding as well..) Happy Anniversary!

  23. I am overwhelmed and so blessed by each of your precious comments. This was the hardest post I have written to date! So outside my comfort zone. I appreciate each and every one of your comments. Thank you!

  24. Sonya, what a sweet, sweet story!! I couldn't tell where you were in the photo with your kiddos! You look like you are the sister! Just gorgeous! I too, married my high school sweetheart! We've been married for almost 16 years, but have been together for 21 years!!! Just crazy! Congratulations on 29 years of love!Blessings, Erin

  25. Happy Anniversary Sonya!!!! May you tow be blessed with 29 more years!!

  26. Sonya, what a sweet story!! Happy Anniversary! Our 24th is next week - thanks for the reminder! lol

  27. Ok, I was there on the first date,at the wedding, at the birth of all your children and all your 28 anniversary's before this one. Still reading this story brought tears to my eyes. I love you both very much sis. Two very special people whom God blessed me with.

  28. Awe this is so sweet (made me cry)! Congrats and Happy Anniversary!

  29. How sweet! Seems we have a little in common. I married when I was 18 and my husband was 25 and we, too, had met when I was a freshman (but didn't date until my senior year). Many blessings on your anniversary!

  30. What a great story, and so sweet. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Happy Anniversary! What a great love story.:)

  32. Happy Belated Anniversary!! Sorry, I missed reading this yesterday - but what a sweet love story!! I love real life "love stories" and love hearing about others that are blessed with "forever" love!!! My husband is my forever love and so happy to hear that you have yours as well!! Hope you had a blessed day!!!


  33. Happy! Happy Anniversary!!! What a precious love story! A joy and a blessing to read!
    Thanks for sharing!

  34. I am new here but, none the less wishing you and your wonderful husband a vey Happy Anniversary and many more. I really enjoyed your sweet story! All the best :)

  35. Thanks Sonya!!! I love all of her jewlery! Hope you win!

  36. What a beautiful love story ~ Happy Anniversary ~ and many more to come ~ :)

  37. Aaawww...Sonya! BeStill my HEART! I SMILED with Tears developing with each word you wrote! What a PRECIOUS story...A God given gift! I Read this MORE than once and just read it to my Hub, over a candel lit dinner...Eeeerrk! Not really...just while we are layin in bed {NOT quite as Romantic!}
    Such a PRECIOUS story and I OOGLED over every word! AND...I beg to wrote this with the Beauty of a REAL NOVELIST!



  38. What a beautiful love story Sonya! I so believe in fate and that some things are just meant to be! And the two of you certainly were! Happy Anniversary!!

    Lou Cinda

  39. Blessing to you follower...julie

  40. What a sweet story and a beautiful family. I hate I missed this post but Happy Anniversary anyway!

  41. Sonya, that was one of the most beautiful and heart warming stories I've read on a design blog. Aww. So sweet. Happy anniversary! I also married a man I met in church - at a church camp when I became a believer. I am so blessed to have him in my life!


Thank you so much for visiting! I love hearing from you and reading your sweet comments! Thank you!