Monday, March 21, 2011

New Entry Hall Window Treatments

I was recently forced priviledged to create new window treatments for my entry hall windows. These small windows are about 11" wide and flank my front door.
Here you can see the original window treatments. Simple patterned sheers hung with top & bottom rod pockets and tension rods.
They were ok but I was more than ready for something new. I just hadn't gotten around to it.
Until now. Here you can see why. Our guard dogs, Millie and Zoe (with names like these I'll leave it to your imagination just how ferocious these dogs are) got a tad excited defending the house!
My inspiration for the new sheers came from Denise at Bella Dreams. Back in November she posted about these new window treatments in her home. Take a minute to check out her blog. She and her daughter, Heather, are very talented ladies. (And if you're local, check out her booth at The Rink in Bethany)
By Denise at Bella Dreams
I liked the style so much I...well...I copied her!  I had never thought of using the cafe w/flap style on this type of window. I reused my existing tensions rods.
If you're looking close you'll notice these pictures were taken quite a few weeks ago during a major snow storm. Hence the bright outdoor light and winter/Valentine wreath filled with snow? I have since painted the rods black. (And replaced the Valentine wreath!)
And just in case you're observant and just wondering...the completely messy room pictured to the right is my sewing room/workroom/all purpose creativity room! I prefer to think of it as organized chaos.

On a different is a completely random design trick. Well, design trick may be stretching it a bit but you know what I mean.
I like candles that are drippy.  The drippier the better!   Usually this does NOT happen naturally. At least not with the candles I buy. They tend to melt in nice little holes in the center of the candle. I decided to help mine along a bit.
I know! I know! Like I don't have anything better to do!
If you know of another way to accomplish this, without the risk of burned fingers, I'd love to hear your trick!


  1. I love that style! I am glad to know that you are well protected by your guard dogs LOL. They turned out beautiful.

  2. Perfect for that space. Are they guard dog proofed?

  3. Sonya, your window treatments are very nice!! I love the look of drippy candles as well, but I don't any other way than how you made them drip.

  4. I saw Denise's, too, and loved them, Sonya! Yours turned out great ~ I love that look and I am going to have to do window treatments like that. Even if it's just to try it! I really love seeing yours. I actually have to switch out my dining room window treatments to something lighter and I use a cafe look within the three windows themselves {with tension rods}, because it is so open to the front walk. That may be my opportunity!

  5. I love how they turned out. We have blinds on ours now, but I like the softness of window treatments.

  6. The curtains look great. We have a similar set up at our front door with sidelights and a full french door. Our dogs go beserk at the mailman, and so there are no curtains on them or they would be shredded for sure!

  7. Thanks for the tiniest glimpse of your creative room, I'm so glad you're not perfectly organized! I love these window treatments, I would not have thought to put them in this style of window either. Kudos to you both for you painting the tension rod black and Denise covering them with a shear poof sleeve. I like your drippy idea, Sonya, it gives the candle an antiquity look ;). Hugs, Kim

  8. Those are cute, Sonya. I like the tip for drippy candles. I've seen some in movies and tv shows that are melted like that around the edges. I've always wondered how they burn like that. Now I know! They must do this trick, too!

    have a happy day~ L

  9. Sonya, LOVE the curtains! They are perfect! And I also love the dripping candle. I have taken a taper before, lit it, and then held it next to the candle I want the drips on...of course the candles need to be the same color! lol

    Lou Cinda

  10. I like the new window treatments...very pretty! I know my sweet Millie did not damage the first ones!:) I'm blaming Zoe.

  11. I just love those new treatments Sonya! They really flow seamlessly (is that a pun?) with the treatments in the room right to the left (or the right?). They are so soft and lovely and you always come up with such fabulous ways to give something new life! :-)

  12. beautiful curtains as always!!! You are seriously superwoman in my eyes!

  13. I love those curtains! Fabulous! I'm saving this idea in my file.
    Have a great day!

  14. Very pretty! Love the drippy candles too.

  15. Thanks for the mention Sonja! I have to say though, I was a bit worried about that wreath. :) Your drapes look wonderful. I've already had a few close calls with my doggie and my drapes. Hope that cotton laces holds up!

  16. These new curtains look very lovely! I think they have a very updated look. And you made them... you are a clever one!

  17. A great look. Functional and oh so pretty. Thanks for linking up to BeColorful's Motivated Monday.


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