Friday, April 1, 2011

Mixing, Matching and Stepping Out of Your Box

Do you ever take risks or step out of your comfort zone when decorating your home? The Nester at The Nesting Place recently wrote about taking risks and even hosted a National (not really) Take a Risk Day! party.
Check it out. You are sure to be inspired. Some wrote about home decor risks but others were major life risks like Cheri's. 
My client, Rosalee, wanted to take a risk.  She wanted to "Step out of my box" with the new window treatments for her living room and kitchen.  
Of course we all realize that everyone's risk level or "box" is different. What seems like a risk to some is a minor change to others. The point try something you normally wouldn't! You have to admit, most of the time taking a risk = a happier end result.
Rosalee was very happy with her results. She knew the color scheme she wanted and she knew she wanted to use the medallions. She felt her challenge to be the style of window treatment and the mix of patterns and fabrics. 
Her favorite of all the fabrics we looked at was the tiny stripe shown behind the floral. But this was comfortable choice. So using the colors found in the stripe we expanded the fabrics to include the green floral for a bell valance paired with a solid brown lining and ruffle. 
We completed the kitchen windows with a lined cafe style curtain topped with a cuff, or flap, in the same deep red fabric used in the living room.
In the living room we used a deep red/wine fabric with brown and gold detail to fashion simple lined panels mounted under the valance with sewn on rings. The valance is trimmed with a ruffle of solid brown crinkle fabric and accented with a row of beads. 
 One thought, with today's open floor plans, is if windows can be seen from one room to the next they should be dressed the same. I disagree.  Here, through the use of color, there is a comfortable flow from one room to the next. Distinctly different yet blending together.
This was a risk for Rosalee. But one she embraced! She stepped out of her box and loved the end results.

The more I think about this, the more I believe we are all risk takers. We take risks everyday. In all aspects of our lives. The difference lies in our level of comfort in risk taking. Do you have a high tolerance for taking risks? Is it worth your time and effort to take a risk and possibly fail?
I truly believe there's so much more to be gained by taking the chance and failing than never taking the risk at all. Is it easy? Usually not. Is it worth it? You tell me. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
My thanks to the Nester for starting me on this thought provoking journey of how, when and where we take risks.

A Little Knick Knack

Keeping It Simple


  1. So pretty! You are right - we do take risks everyday and sometimes without even realizing it. Even by blogging, you are taking a risk - putting it out there for the world to see and share. Wishing you well, Bev

  2. Very pretty! Love all of her curtains; the design and colors! Being a lover of red, I guess I'm a risk taker; my house is full of RED which most say is a color to use moderately when decorating.

  3. Fantastic! I love that she took the risk, it was fun. I love risk taking, as long as it is not life sky diving or daredevil risks. Decorating risks...heck all the time:) Have a great weekend.

  4. Her risk turned out fabulous. I love the colors she chose!! Her draperies and cafe curtains are so beautiful

  5. It might be easier for some to take risks when they have encouragement~like you helping her make her curtains the most they could be with all the different elements. I think they look awesome Sonya. I was really checking out the kitchen valance to see how you did that, always learning from you, my friend. I think risk taking is really related to fear, don't you?

  6. A risk is not nearly as "scarry" if you have someone encouraging you and telling you that it looks good. Now, if you would come here and pick out my fabrics and take care of all my window treatments, the "risk" would not bother me at all. When can you be here? lol

  7. Your treatments are just beautiful, Sonya! I love the bell valance and would love to do something like this for my own kitchen. I'll bet Rosalee is very glad she stepped out of her comfort zone!

  8. Sonya, everything is just beautiful. I'm actually trying to make two panels for my kitchen sliders with the "flap". Thats a new one for me since I never made them before. Wish me luck!
    Marianne :)

  9. Okay, I "need" those living room curtains in my bedroom! :) I love the design and the fabric...gorgeous!

  10. Love the window treatments. They all came out really good. I especially love the fabric for the living room.

  11. Everything is so gorgeous Sonya! I actually have some of that stripe fabric too and have been holding on to it until I decide where to use it. :-) It looks so fabulous behind that other fabric and I never would have thought of doing something like that. You always come up with the most original treatments that really do show how great it is to "step out of the box"!
    Thanks for linking up this week!

  12. So pretty!!! all the little details are just lovely!!-
    and the girl's room below!!!! *swoon*!
    Happy weekend!

  13. Love it!! Every time I see any of your creations you definitely inspire me :) You are making want to put cafe style curtain and a valance in my kitchen!! I think that I am going to do this Cannot wait!! Thank you so much for your great ideas :)

  14. I love it but I love everything you do. In fact I need your help. I'm getting ready to redo my bathroom and I have this weird window thing I have no clue what to do and since your the window lady....let me know and I'll pay you for your consultation.

  15. Love those treatments Sonya! I need to send you my kitchen window fabric and have ya make me some valances like that!!;) Right now they are just tacked to the top of the window!:0

  16. Love it! I am going to do some cafe curtains in our kitchen! Thanks for the ideas - I always enjoy seeing what you are working on :)

  17. Love, love it all! I'm so glad she decided to step outside the box with this project. I love color and am willing to take risks all the time. Now, in real life, not if they're skydiving, etc. :-) I've learned if one doesn't risk, you miss out on a LOT in life.

    I would just love it if you lived nearby...I am a bit challenged right now with window treatments.

    Have a great weekend!

  18. I've said it before and I know I will say it again. But your drapery designs are just gorgeous. Pure Perfection!

  19. Gah! I'm a horrible friend for taking days to get over to your posts. Of course a wonderful mix--I don't know of anyone who does this better than you, Sonya. My favorite is the polka dots with the header. Hugs!

  20. More awesome creations from you, Sonya! The red fabric has such a richness to it. Gorgeous! You mix fabrics like no one else I know. Beautiful job always. I wish I could step out of my comfort zone when mixing fabrics. You keep inspiring me, so I just might! ha-ha

    have a happy Monday~ L


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