Monday, April 11, 2011

Sentimental Vintage Fabric Transformed into New Pillows

It all began with a remnant of this fabric. Troubadour by Waverly. I'm guessing this fabric is pre-1975. My guess is partially based on...
WARNING: Old family picture ahead!
...this lovely Christmas picture of my family taken at my grandmother's home in 1984. Her drapes had been made for seven or eight years.
No laughing! You know you all have one of these stashed away somewhere!
I remember sitting in this very room as a child listening to all the adults talking. I should have been outside playing but whatever the women were talking about always seemed much more interesting!
Granny Rakes loved having nice things and wanted to keep them nice. In this room, bless her heart, she had a plastic carpet runner going straight through the middle! It stayed there from the time the carpet was installed until she moved away, at least 30 years later! (Notice the color of said carpet. Yes. It was really that blue.)
My Grandmother has since passed away (and I still miss her laugh) but before her home was sold, my Mom was able to remove the drapes. She has since transformed them into new window treatments and a bedskirt for her guest room.

My Mom and Dad's home in North Carolina. 
A big Thank You to my Dad for taking these pictures for me!

I've had the last remaining remnant from these drapes for the past year or so. I've always loved the pattern but wasn't really feeling the blue. I've had a change of heart. This color has been growing on me.
I had bought the teal blue velvet several months ago, on a whim, with no idea what I'd use it for. I had just enough for the back of the pillows. The ruffle is out of a chocolate brown silk velvet. Love it! So soft, flowing and drapey! 
When I realized how much I liked the look of the this old fabric with an upcoming project I had in mind, I quickly decided to make the pillows.

Here's a glimpse of my upcoming project. This fabric... 
  with this amazing 1930's era chair!
  So, in the meantime...
 I'm enjoying my sentimental new/old pillows!
I think Granny Rakes would have approved of how my Mom and I have been able to make the old drapes new again.

Have you been inspired by anything nostalgic or sentimental lately?

If you'd like custom window treatments at a great price, be sure to check THIS out! 

Sharing with:
Beyond The Picket Fence

Decor to Adore Springtime Craft Party

A Little Knick Knack
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special Keeping It Simple


  1. I love that fabric - a classic is always beautiful. Those pillows are to die for and I cannot wait to see the chair. Good luck on staying sane this week with the wedding. xoxo Bev

  2. LOVE that vintage fabric! Waverly has been good for a long time!

  3. She really splurged on that fabric back then. Lasted through time though. haha to the plastic runner.

  4. That is a cute story~I enjoyed seeing it in three generations homes. My nana had plastic on the lampshades, sheets on the sofas, and the drapes drawn to prevent fading!!

  5. Wooowww!! What a great story Sonya! Brought me back to my childhood!! I remember Mom had an Early American couch that matches that fabric perfectly, down to the gold "shag" carpet that Mom make me rake daily!!! lol I love how your Mom used the drapery elements in her guest spending time in her room...would truly feel like home!

  6. That is so awesome Sonya! You really did a great job, and I am betting Gramma would just be tickled too see them drapes renewed. Really pretty fabric!

  7. Great design always stands the test of time. I'm glad you were inspired for your beautiful pillows (I know what you mean, I'm not a blue person, either.). Oh lovely paneling, the height of 70s style, and I wore so many of those floppy bow ties in the 80s ;). Hugs! Kim

  8. I think it's great that you and your Mom have done this, Sonya! Your Mom's drapes are wonderful. It's funny how that blue seems to be popular again. I love how you updated it with the brown ruffle on your pillows. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your chair!

  9. That is so neat Sonya and it just goes to show that classic colors and patterns never really go out of style. Especially when they are made in a new and modern way! I love the brown ruffle around the pillows you made and I can't wait to see what you do with that fabulous chair. :-)

  10. Hi Sonya! I love this fabric and your sweet memories behind it! The brown ruffle looks great! Love your olden photo! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Dear Sonya ~ LOVE the fabric and it looks so nice in your Mom's guest room! Yes, I too have one of those 'old' photos. Doesn't it bring back some really happy memories?

  12. Sonya, what a great post. Thank you, for sharing. I bet your Granny Rakes would love these gorgeous pillows, and your mom's drapes. You've turned them into new and modern again. The brown velvet ruffle adds a richness to this lovely fabric. You and your blog are so inspiring. I just love visiting you!
    have a happy day~ L

  13. What a great fabric, they are going to make such pretty pillows !

  14. What a wonderful story!!!! Man! I miss my granny so much!! Your pillows are just gorgeous!!! There lots of pottery barn styles right now with that same design. Can't wait to see it all together!

  15. How fun! I love to have things in my home that I have redone and are family can't buy that!

  16. I love the pillows...the velvet is beautiful with Granny's fabric! (But did you HAVE to include the family picture? I mean, really?) :)

  17. I LOVE the history of this fabric. And, it's great fabric!! Your mom did such an awesome job of incorporating it into the bedroom. I love it in there!

  18. You and your mother have surrounded yourselves with love by using the beautiful material. What precious memories. Thanks for sharing! Wanda

  19. My Grandma just passed away on March 12 and I miss her too. It really makes you look at old pictures and their stuff that was kept differently. Value them. They are warm memories.

  20. Awe! This is my favorite post! :) xxoo

  21. Oh how wonderful Sonya!! Yes, I think Grammy would be very proud!

  22. There is a Blogger's Pillow Party at She's having a prize for the best pillow each month. I thought you might want to join :).

  23. Love that fabric and the sentimental value of it. Also love your blog....glad I found you!

  24. What a Sweet Story, Love the Drape Fabric....

  25. Those pillows turned out super cute!!! I'll be thinking of you this week as I sew drapes. :)

  26. That's such a lovely story! I love my Grandma (she passed away awhile ago, but I think of her all the time) and would love to have something solid to remember her by. This fabric is being put to such great use and I applaud your willingness to insert these type of memories into your decor. And, this fabric is timeless! Wow, I just love it. Great idea and great job.

  27. the family picture is worth it's weight in gold!!! great idea for the pillows.

  28. I absolutely adore very detail of this truly family project! I am hosting a Springtime Craft and Project linky party today and I would love it if you would particpate.

    There is a giveaway involved. :)

  29. Such a neat story Sonya and your pillows came out darling! Such great memories with them every time you see them too! Thanks for sharing at FNF! :)

  30. Very nice and a lovely treasure loaded with memories! The best kind.

  31. I love the fabric! And the pillows are beautiful! That velvet is just delish! I think this is such a great to re-purpose and keep a part of your grandmother near...

    Lou Cinda

  32. Hi Sonya! This might just be one of my most favorite posts you have done simply because of the wonderful history and how you showed a creative way to modernize something that has meaning to you. Thanks so much for sharing it at Inspiration Friday this week! :-)

  33. Those pillows are gorgeous!! I love the vintage fabric combined with the beautiful rich blue velvet and the chocolate brown ruffle. I'm sure your grandmother would be thrilled that you put that fabric to use!!

    I've started a weekly link party on Sundays over at Addicted 2 Decorating. I hope you'll come link up your project!!

  34. I love your pillows. I had to laugh at your photo. I do have a photo in my collection that is so similar!


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