Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wedding Dreams Come True...

All Courtney's wedding dreams came true!
It was pefect...
Just a glimpse of her magical day.
(Anyone recognize the sofa?)


  1. Congrats to the newlyweds! She was a beautiful bride!

  2. I've been dying for you to get to blogging about all of the festivities! I was sure everything would turn out wonderfully and you'd be basking in the warmth of family and friends. Where is the sofa from? What a photo! More, more!

  3. Looking forward to hearing and seeing about her big day!

  4. Congratulations! I thought about y'all last weekend. With your amazing creativity, I can only imagine how beautiful it was.

    By the way, I saw in the paper this morning that Fabrics Unlimited sale is this coming weekend.

  5. She was a beautiful bride and the wedding was so special! The photos are amazing...can't wait to see them all.

  6. Looks like a lovely time. I thought of you as the weekend approached and we enjoyed wedding madness in our life too.
    We just got a blog post from our photographer I'll share with you for when you have a minute.


    It was a very very warm and windy day in Kansas, however we had a blast. Hope your day was just as tender.
    And now us mommas of the bride can rest a bit.
    cheers to you for the successful event. I'll be checking back for more pics.

  7. What a lovely bride! I'm sure that your weekend was just as lovely!! Resting up?!

  8. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Congratulations to all of you and I hope you are getting some time to rest now! LOL! Can't wait to see more of the photos from the big day. :-)

  9. Hi Sonya,
    Thank you for visiting me at Bluebirds and Butterflies today. I so much appreciate the very nice comments. Your daughter is beautiful! Congratulations to the happy couple! My son is getting married in Houston on November 5th which is only a few months away. I wish my dear Mother could be there for the ceremony! I know she will be watching from heaven. Your daughter is a beautiful bride!!!! Enjoy these wonderful memories! xoxo Kim

  10. So beautiful...I too cannot wait for all the details! Blessings, Bev

  11. Absolutely beautiful photo!


  12. Hi Sonya!

    Gorgeous photos and absolutely beautiful and stunning bride! Can't wait to see more! It looks like a magical day as it should be!


  13. I have been away from "blog land" for a while and just popped over. What a fabulous wedding! Everyone looks so happy and enjoying themselves.

    Can't wait to see more of all the details!


Thank you so much for visiting! I love hearing from you and reading your sweet comments! Thank you!