Friday, May 20, 2011

Showers and Sweets

Wedding showers and sweets go hand in hand. Here's a few sweet shots from recent wedding showers.
The first few were from Courtney's personal shower given by her Aunt Gina and sister, Kaleigh. 
 Oh, my! but these were good!

This photo shows a portion of the clothesline where each of her shower gifts were hung with cute painted clothes pins. The precious picture is of Courtney when she was about three.

The following sweet shots are from the shower given to Courtney by several family members and friends. Thank you Aunt Vicky for opening your home!
Take a look at this adorable banner made from 2" scraps of material, knotted together along a length of rope. I love this idea!
We've used this technique to make ballet style skirts for costumes but think of the ways this could be used? You know me, my first thought was a window valance!

Thank you to all the sweet friends and family who made these occasions so special!
Wedding Countdown: 8 days!


  1. Oh, Sonya, that is the sweetest most perfect shower ever. Courtney is one lucky girl to have aunts, mom and sisters like that. My mind is whirling on the table skirt. I once did a "stage" skirt like that for a play room out of tulle, but in fabric it is wonderful.

  2. Everything looks wonderful, Sonya! I do love that banner. I may have to try something like that for my granddaughter's first birthday party ~ I mean, I have SO MUCH fabric here! The date is coming up fast. Just stay calm! : )

  3. Kind of an out of body experience, going through the wedding thing with our children! (babies)

  4. Everything looks so's getting close!

  5. So pretty. 8 days?? Wow. It is going so fast. I hope everything goes as smooth as possible.

  6. The cupcakes look so fancy! Love all the special touches in the decor. So pretty.
    What a wonderful time for your family. Courtney is going to be a beautiful bride.
    Eight days..!!!!

  7. Courtney's showers were soooo pretty! Those cupcakes look scrumptious. :)

    See you in a week!

  8. Oh my everything looks so fabulous, from the cupcakes to the table banner. How special Courtney must feel to have such a loving family. These 8 day will fly by and I am sure it will be a gorgeous wedding with a beautiful bride.

  9. Everything looks so beautiful. What a happy occasion for you and your family. Enjoy every minute of it, it goes by so fast.

  10. Every table is just beautiful! These are very talented ladies. The cupcakes look fabulous! I'd say that Courtney is very fortunate and she is gorgous! Can't wait to see a wedding pic ~

    You're really on the countdown now ~ and you're going to make it with flying colors! Thanks so much for sharing these special events with us.

    P.S. LOVE the pic of Courtney at 3 yrs. Adorable!

  11. Super cute shower!!! Different and I like that!

  12. Creativity runs deep in that circle of yours, Sonya. Love the scrap bunting, it caught my eye right away! The beads and baubles make everything look so delicate and feminine. Courtney & Drew are so cute! Hugs, Ki

  13. LOVED both of those table scapes! Two of the prettiest showers I've seen. Yes, I love that use of fabric scraps too! It has me thinking! Happy wedding!!

  14. Love the cupcake stand. Could you tell us where you found it - would love to have one.

  15. Soooo pretty! that would be a great funky valance. she can use it in their first home!!

  16. I love bridal showers!! Everything is sooo pretty!

  17. This is such a beautiful post! The cupcakes look divine!

  18. LOTS of icing - my kind of cupcake.
    The tablescape is sooo pretty, especially like the ribbons.

  19. Hi there,
    Everything looks so pretty and the cupcakes look divine! What a great shower! Hope the bride and groom have many, many happy years of marriage together... Happy Life! xoxo Kim

  20. How beautiful everything turned out!

  21. Oh, it is all soooo pretty! Those are my kind of cupcakes with all that frosting. Yum!
    The tablecloth with all of the scraps is so pretty. What a great idea! I'm bookmarking this!

    Thanks for sharing and congratulations to the lovely couple.


  22. Oh I love weddings and wedding cake and cupcakes and those cupcakes look so good

    happy days



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