Thursday, February 9, 2012

Simple Solution to Lengthening Window Treatments

Here's a curtain dilemma for you. You've found the perfect curtains for your boy's room. Just what you wanted. You decided to wash them...and the tag said you could. The result? Your perfect curtain is now 6" too short? What can you do?
Our solution involved using 6yds of ribbon. (Wall color, SW Dovetail)
This particular room had two windows. So, two sets of
Since one window called for a shorter curtain than the other, we decided to take advantage of the extra fabric.
I cut off the extra length and hemmed the shorter curtains. Even though the longer panels were only 6" too short, I cut them off in order to add a 20" piece along the bottom. (This was more proportionate to the overall length of the panels.) 
I joined the curtain and the 20" piece by sewing a french seam. A french seam is when you sew the wrong sides of your fabrics together (as shown on the left of the sketch). Fold and iron the right sides of the fabrics together and stitch again (as shown on the right of the sketch) making sure to include the seam allowance in your new seam.   
Here's how it looks from the wrong side of the curtain.
I used the ribbons to cover the seam where I lengthened the panels.
 I stitched the darker satin ribbon on first, then overlapped and stitched the lighter gray grosgrain ribbon above it creating the illusion that this was what we intended from the very beginning!
There you have it. The perfect solution!
Photo courtesy of the homeowner. Thank you, Kristi!
So, for the next time you need to lengthen your curtains, or just want to add a bit of decorative detail, keep in mind this little ribbon trick.
If you've used any other tricks with your curtain dilemmas, I'd love to hear about them!


  1. Beautiful solution, Sonya! I love the bit of color the ribbons give to the panels.

  2. Sonya, Fabulous job on the curtains. Better than you could buy !! Smiles to you,Susie(She Junks)

  3. These curtains are lovely and what a great way to hide the seam but these look so much more elegant with the ribbon. Wonderful job!

  4. The added ribbon gives the curtains the custom feel we all strive for in our homes...what a great, inexpensive fix!

  5. now that's
    an ingenious solution

    well done!

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  6. I love how the ribbon looks on these panels. What a great idea.


  7. You know, I think often times projects turn out better when they "don't go right" since it gets those creative juices flowing. I always enjoy your solutions, Sonya!

  8. Gorgeous solution! I hadn't heard of a french seam before. Now I'm going to have to try it. I'm a visual learner...I will understand it better once I see it in action.
    I have some window panels that need lengthening. So glad to have this trick up my sleeve now.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  9. Such a perfect solution! Thanks for the tute!

    I would LOVE it if you'd link this up at Feature Friday FREE-FOR-ALL going on right now!

    Hope to see you soon!

    P.S. I'm a new follower. : )

    P.P.S. I don't just "like" your turquoise front door...I LOVE it!


  10. Fantastic solution Sonya! So glad you posted this because I am considering lengthening the curtains in my son's room so this was great timing. :-) Thanks for sharing it at Inspiration Friday!

  11. LOVE the ribbbon! This is a great idea.


  12. These are beautiful. Wonderful trick...:)

  13. Beautiful post and nice solution. I am really happy to know this solution online boutique please give us more nice article like this in future.

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