Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Bedazzled Running Shoe and GO MITCH GO!

As I promised in my last post, this is the story behind the pink, bedazzled running shoe that my friend Susan keeps in a place of honor in her kitchen.  She keeps it there as a reminder of her many blessings...and of a very special little boy and his family. 

Meet the Whitakers.

John, Tracy, Mitchell and Meredith

A beautiful, precious family who have turned enormous heartache into an amazing gift.  Mitchell was 8 years old when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia.  With faith, strength, determination and amazing courage he battled this disease for 26 months.

On September 27, 2007, at the age of 10, his journey here on earth ended. Not wanting to leave his family but looking forward to seeing Jesus, his last words were "keep fighting". (Go HERE to read more about Mitchell.)

In his memory, his family created the goMITCHgo Foundation. Mitchell's family have a lifetime goal to raise $1,000,000.00 for blood cancer research.  In just three years they have raised $430,000.00!  

In 2008, Tracy challenged 40 of her girlfriends to run a marathon with her to celebrate her upcoming 40th birthday in January 2009.

The ladies decided to run a marathon being held in Phoenix, Arizona, in January of '09. For the kick-off party held prior to the marathon, Susan and a few others friends decorated the tables with balloons and thrift store running shoes they had spray painted, glittered and bedazzled! Susan's shoe is a keepsake from the party and marathon!

On January 18, 2009, 49 friends joined Tracy in running the PF Chang's Rock and Roll Marathon in Phoenix, Arizona. 

Susan and Tracy

Even though this was the first endurance run for many of these ladies, ALL 49 finished! Running either the marathon, at 26.2 miles, or the half marathon at 13.1 miles!

Susan, Lisa, Marcia & Shari
Friends & Marathon Runners! 
"Mitchell's Angles"

To date, these ladies have raised $240,000.00 for LLS-Oklahoma in Mitchell's name.

John, Tracy and Meredith, along with large group of extended family and friends, have taken up Mitchell's last challenge to "keep fighting"! The Whitaker's story of faith, their understandable questions of why but ultimate and complete belief in God, is a blessing to all!

To learn more about the GoMitchGo Foundation visit  You can click HERE to make a donation.

It is hard not to ache for the loss this family, as well as many others, have experienced through cancer, disease or tragedy.  And even though we can never understand WHY, I do know we serve a sovereign God who is MORE than able to supplies all our needs.  Whatever your need may be!  He is Here! and He is Able!




  1. Thank you for that beautiful and touching story about Mitch and the glittery running shoe! What a story of victory in the face of great tragedy.
    Now I'm going to hug my son....

  2. What a wonderful and touching story. I could not imagine the grief that they have endured. What a wonderful thing they are doing in his name.

  3. What a blessing! Thanks for sharing the story~

  4. Oh Sonya thank you so much for sharing this story and especially for your words at the very end! We have very dear friends whose son has been battling leukemia and is currently in remission but walking alongside them and watching their faith in action was a profound and humbling experience. I'm so glad folks like yourself are using blogging to share more than just home decorating projects! :-)

  5. Thanks for sharing such an inspirational (but sad) story!

  6. God Bless Mitchell and his family and friends!

    We just had a Kids Kicking Cancer halloween trick or treating day on our street for kids with cancer and I have to tell you it was very humbling and very heart warming!
    Some of these children have never been trick or treating.
    They touched our hearts in a way I cannot describe!

    Thank you for sharing Mitchs' story with us!

    Hugz, Dolly

  7. Just checked out your pillows - they are all AWESOME! I love them. I know I said this before but you have a real talent for pulling things together!

  8. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. It is things like this that make us realize how trivial our day to day problems are. Also, I really enjoyed the tour of Susan's kitchen. Beautiful!!!

  9. Sonya, thank you so much for linking this inspiring story up to the party this week! I can't think of anything more perfect! :-)

  10. I am not sure who inspired me more, Mitchell or his "angels". There is power in numbers.

  11. What a beautiful, beautiful story. So much love and faith in the midst of huge heartbreak. A very special family. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)


  13. Speechless...that is truly an amazing story. I am always amazed at these people who can turn tragedy into blessings for others and in turn help themselves heal.

  14. Sweet Mitch- I know this family and knew him. My husband works for OU Baseball and was very envoled with Mitch and his family before and during his illness. And still is to this day! I cannot help but to be moved each time a read his story . Thanks for sharing with us all.


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