Saturday, October 23, 2010

How About Some Color With Your Kitchen?

If the kitchen is the "Heart of the Home" then it should be a space that is not only functional but fun and fabulous as well! Correct? Well, I think so and this kitchen in all that and a whole lot more!

This amazing kitchen belongs to my friend Susan.  I have been blessed by Susan's friendship for years. Our kids have gone to school together, we've done PTA & Bunko and we have collaborated on numerous window treatments (take a look at the ones for this kitchen) and pillows over the years!  

Susan is a mother of boys. SIX boys to be exact, ranging in age from 23 to 8.  When she and her husband remodeled their home, Susan decided the kitchen was her domain, always had been and it was time it looked like it!

They did an extensive remodel but here in the kitchen the biggest  change was painting and glazing the cabinets.  They went from a ho-hum wood stain to these vibrant and beautiful colors.  Susan used a rich robins egg blue on two sections of her cabinetry, the stove area and an opposing upper cabinet.  The rest were done is a warm off white.  She went where few have gone before and painted this stunning pink on her island! All the cabinets were then glazed.

Susan has a gift for accessorizing! She definitely adheres to the  More is More theory!  And pulls it off, beautifully!

NOTICE the bedazzled running shoe! I had not even noticed this shoe until I started uploading my pictures! I knew there was a story here, so I called Susan to find out.

Oh, my! The story behind this running shoe is so special.  I'll be sharing this moving and poignant story in my next post. 


Susan's attention to detail is what makes this kitchen so spectacular.
The colors in her back splash are derived from a collection of Tracy Porter dinnerware.

Why hang one beautiful dish towel when you can hang a collection!

Even the mix and match knobs lends to the whimsical and fun nature of this amazing kitchen.

Now, I realize a pink island isn't for everyone (just like a turquoise front door isn't for everyone!) but I'm hoping you'll be inspired to think outside the norm when it comes to color in your home!

Whether neutral color or vibrant...
where have you used an unexpected color?





Furniture Feature Fridays

A Little Knick Knack
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Bravery can result in some beautiful things! And this kitchen is certainly one of them.
    I love her colors and her guts for bringing in so many elements. The total effect is one-of-a-kind gorgeous. The different knobs are such a touch of whimsey and work perfectly in this stunning space.
    I would love to see what creative dishes she can whip up from this inspiring kitchen!
    Fun, fun post!

  2. Normally pink wouldn't be for me, but I would take that kitchen in a heart beat. It is too much fun.

  3. This. is. FABULOUS! I love it! I would definitely be up for doing something like this in my kitchen. The tile backsplash is perfect and it allows for so many colors to choose from to do something like this. Good for Susan! Love the dish towels and her accessories. I really like how the space above the ovens and refrigerator has more detail to this open shelf area. You don't usually see that ~ it's either a cabinet or nothing there. I like it and how it allows you to put some accessories there. I see the drapes in the background of one picture but are they the ones on your sidebar {with the pink rod}? I love them. What a fun house your friend Susan must have!

    If my kitchen looked this beautiful I'm sure I'd be in there more. I'm not saying I'd be cooking, but I'd definitely be in there more. : )

  4. Susan's kitchen is amazing! I love all the colors on the cabinets, and her backsplash is so fun! So beautiful!

  5. Sonya, this is a really beautifully thought-out kitchen.

    I love it when a kitchen so obviously reflects the character of the owner, don't you?

    I've used a similar grey-blue in our kitchen, along with cream and accents of cherry red. I love it!

    If you'd like a look, then you can click here!

    I totally agree, by the way, that you can't have too many bed linens! I just love making our bed somewhere gorgeous to escape to!


  6. There are no words! It is stunning...I wish more people were willing to take risks like this...they are the homes they/we live in and should reflect that. I cannot wait to hear the story behind the shoe...

  7. How fun and pretty. I love all the colors and the detail. Great kitchen. Hugs, Marty

  8. Hi Sonya! I wanted to make sure and say thank you so much for linking up those fabulous posts to the party this week! They were perfectly Inspirational! :-) This kitchen you are featuring is so warm and inviting and FUN and that is what the heart of the home should be all about. I love seeing the colors, especially when there is so much in decorating lately that is so very neutral! Thanks for sharing this one with us!

  9. I love it Sonya :)
    I wish more clients would be daring and mixed it up!!

    Bright colors makes my heart sing :)))

    kay ellen

  10. I really like it!!! I'm not to crazy about th back splash but everything else I'm in love with!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Can't wait to hear about the shoe!

  11. I am loving that kitchen, with all the Mackenzie Child touches, too. I have the same teapot!

  12. I can relate...I am a mother of five boys, and one girl and I would love this kitchen...thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Hi Sonya- Thank you so much for joining Feathered Nest Friday! This kitchen is AMAZING!! I think the fun colors, the gorgeous glazed cabinets and the fun pink island are fantastic! This lady sounds like she is A LOT of fun!! The attention to detail in the knobs and accessories is so great! Thanks for sharing this and joining me!! :)

  14. It's darling! How sad that so many live and paint only for "resale". How about now? Good for her, and you've inspired me to take another hard look at my own kitchen. :)

  15. How fun, Sonya. Susan really knows herself. All of the elements came together perfectly. Of course, she's the one with the pink curtain rods, what colorful friends you have.

  16. This is the most wonderful kitchen I have ever seen! I love all of that color. So excited to find your blog, I will be following along!

  17. Hello!! Can you please tell us what color blue she used? Also, the glaze she used? I love it and we are looking for this exact color. Thank you so much!!

  18. Love EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! It's so refreshing to see so much color in a kitchen. I was starting to think that only white kitchens existed anymore........

    The use of color is fabulous in this kitchen and the distribution of those colors makes it fun, yet allows it to maintain it's sophistication.

    Not sure I could handle such strong color for my backsplash, but it fits well in this one.

    I would love to see the rest of this house. Can you con her into a video tour?

    Thanks for sharing, and tell your friend thanks too. Love, love, love it.

  19. Hi Sonya ~ This kitchen is so unsual and GORGEOUS at the same time! I love the colours that were used ~ outside the box ~ and the results are extraordinary! This post makes me want to pull out the paintbrush.

  20. That kitchen is GORGEOUS. Amazing colors... it makes you want to look at it for hours :)

  21. So eclectic and such style! I really do love all the color. I especially like the robin's egg blue cabinets with the glaze finish. Great photos!

  22. That backsplash is gorgeous! Love all the colors. Sort of reminds me of a 1950's color palette. And the pink island is very bold.

  23. I love all of those color! The rope molding really stands out with the glaze on it. Beautiful! Hopefully Susan will share more of her gorgeous home with us.

  24. What a fun and beautiful kitchen! I love all the color. Thanx for sharing! I always love reading your posts and getting more inspirations.

  25. That was awesome! Oh what fabulous taste she has. Love all her cute accessories too...just awesome!

  26. Hooray for Happy Colors! I am loving that pink island!

  27. Gosh this kitchen is amazing! I love these colors and the island is totally inspired! Sonya, I am giving away a copy of the French Inspired Home on my blog, come on over!

  28. It's a very individual kitchen and nice to see someone expressing herself. You might enjoy seeing Martha's gray kitchen and a sampler of it. Jane F.

  29. Please tell your friend that this kitchen and the colors are to die for! Oh, how I love the pink island! And I love the things she has on/near the stovetop!

  30. Oh my goodness! The color choices are amazing! The pink island, turquoise and off white cabinets-all of it! Bravo to your friend. Thanks for sharing.

  31. This is an amazing kitchen and with 6 boys she may as well have it as girly as she wants-she certainly deserves it!

  32. This kitchen is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. What fun colors! I mean, FUN! I wish I could convince my husband to do something like this. I love it--so happy and inviting!
    Thanks for joining my link party and stop by again for a fun necklace giveaway! Have a great week!

  34. Love the colors, and really love her towel collection! The blue washed cabinet is to die for! She deserves to have pink with 6 boys!!

  35. how awsome are those colors! i love it so fun!


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