Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fairytales,Cinderella and Warts?

Jarrahdales, One Too Manys, Buckskins, Cushaws, Warty Gourds, 
Cinderellas, Fairytales, Crooked Necks, Blue Hubbards...

If these names sound familiar to you, then you know your pumpkins!  Well, actually your pumpkins and gourds.

My husband and I own a seasonal plant and flower business in Oklahoma City.
  S & S Plants is located at 9617 N. May Avenue
Just North of the intersection of May Avenue and Britton Road in OKC.

We're open in the spring with all your spring and summer annuals, perennials, hanging baskets and much more!

But in the FALL...we're all about Pumpkins & Gourds...


and Pansies!

It's just so much fun to walk around and see all these pumpkins in one place...that's NOT a Pumpkin Patch!

Some of the pumpkins and gourds we carry have official names.  Others have nicknames given by the locals who grow them. 
 In addition to many sizes of Jacks (carving pumpkins)
and Pie Pumpkins we also carry...

  Warty Pumpkins

Ghost Pumpkins and Cinderellas (in the background)

Turk's Turbans 

Fairytales (this one is my favorite!)

Jarrahdales and Marina di Chioggia

Orange and White Mini Pumpkins 

Prize Winners that can weigh over 100 lbs!

 Warty Gourds 

Peanut Pumpkins

 There's also mini gourds, hay bales, corn stalks, Indian corn,
 pansies with faces, pansies without much fall fun!

Don't you just love FALL?

Do you like to keep it simple with your pumpkins?
Or do you experiment with all these fun and funky gourds?

If you go by S & S Plants...tell them Sonya sent you!



  1. Dear Sonya: WOW ... that is so very cool that you own a seasonal plant business. I am totally a garden centre JUNKIE once the spring hits right up through the fall and now some in my area even go crazy with the Christmas decorations! I absolutely love 'all things Fall' including the gourds and pumpkins, corn stalks and straw bales. My house and garden are oozing with all of these Autumn additions. And I learned something from you - all the various names of the gourds & pumpkins. That is information I did not know and I'm pretty certain not all varieties are available here in my part of Canada. Thanks for a great post! And today it just so happens I'm off to one of my favourite seasonal garden centres! Have a great day!

  2. How do you not bring it all home? I just bought what I thought was Cinderella pumpkins, but now I know they are fairytale pumpkins. THey were my favorite too. I need to get a few more regular ones for my bench. What a fun thing to own. You would love a place here called Pete's Greenhouse. They have a great selection of plants and home deocr that I just love, but they price it too high. Thanks for sharing this post.

  3. Everything looks so beautiful! Love all the varieties of pumpkins and gourds. If we still lived in OKC my house would look MUCH better in the fall! :)

  4. Sonya what a wonderful way to make a living. I did not know about all of the different varieties of pumpkins. Good to know and see the pretty photos.

    Happy Fall! ~Melissa :)

  5. The boys would go crazy if we stopped by! We would not even have to go to a real pumpkin patch. I must say though that peanut pumpkin is just really ewwww to me. The others are just divine though!

  6. I'm in a hurry, so didn't read your post :P, but the photos are amazing!

  7. Wow! You are one multi-faceted and talented woman! I so wish I lived closer and could bring my kiddos there! That was fun learning more about the names so now I can impress my family when we go to the pumpkin patch this year! :-)

  8. Well I am keeping it simple with my craft on pumpkin days are over. What awesome pics to share...looks like a great place. And how fun to see all those colorful things every day!

  9. Hpoing our little store can grow to the size of yours.

  10. BEAUTIFUL shots!!
    (P.S. I'm jealous. My not-so-secret desire has always been to grow and sell pumpkins.)

  11. Beautiful! You have a great business ~ lots of beauty.


  12. I had no idea that there were so many varieties! Love your photos, and if I lived in OKC, I would definitely be a customer!

  13. going through your lovely images I was singing to myself "these are a few of my favorite things!" I bought a fairy tale pumpkin this year and i'm enjoying it so much!

  14. How fun is this! I wish I loved closer so that I could come buy my pumpkins from you! I love all of the different kinds you shared...the pics are gorgeous!

    I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

  15. One place near me boasts 65 varieties.
    Just to learn their names takes talent.
    Before this year I had never seen the minis in white, not many of those locally. And I was a little disappointed the blues I've seen are gray. I know I'll be referring back to this post frequently this month. Thank you!

  16. Beautiful photos. Wish I could visit your plant and flower store. I came over from Mille Fleur. Your blog is lovely. laurie

  17. I am so happy I found this post of yours...I've been wondering about the names of all of these wonderful pumpkins we've been seeing. Your photos are so beautiful and I'm quite a fan of your blog!!!

  18. Oh wow. I had no idea there were so many different kinds of pumpkins. I think you need to franchise into Iowa. :) Great great photos. I would have to say those fairy tales would have to be one of my faves too. They look just like Cinderella's carriage. I am drawn to the Ghost pumpkins because they blend better with my decor but they are hard to find here.
    Thank you for linking up to Motivated Monday at Becolorful

  19. Caroline & I used this blog post to go along with our school this week. We're having a Fall/Pumpkin lesson. She loved looking at them and finding out the names of each. Great way to incorporate homeschool as well as keeping up with what you guys are doing. Love it!

  20. So nice to meet you Sonia~~A fellow designer!! yeah!
    Always a pleasure to connect with creative/designing bloggers~~~

    Having fun...just joined the pumpkin parade~~~

    Kay Ellen

  21. All of your pumpkins make me home sick. I love Fall and decorating with all the great pumpkins.

    I would love to have you enter this at my events over at and then over at our other site We have a weekly DIY Living party over there.


  22. Sonya!
    I just went to reread this post tonight when I was on your blog. I had seen it back in October but I guess I just scanned and didn't read it. I didn't know you were S&S Plants. I drove right by many times this fall. I didn't stop because I didn't buy fancy pumpkins this year. My budget would not allow. Hopefully, next year because I LOVE them!

    So cool to find this out. I'll look forward to your reopening in the spring!


Thank you so much for visiting! I love hearing from you and reading your sweet comments! Thank you!