Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Shelli's Christmas

Here's another beautiful home decorated for Christmas.  I was so glad when Shelli called and asked if I would help her with her Christmas decorating this year. 

During our day of decorating, we focused on her family room.  Shelli has a large corner entertainment center she had built after she and her family moved into their home.  (before)

This is where Shelli displays her "Snowman Village". Shelli has been collecting snowmen for YEARS! Just look at this collection!

Her collection ranges from vintage, to primitive, to glittered, to whimsical and everywhere in between! One of her latest and one of her favorites is the water tower snowman. (Seen here in the center to the left of the tree.)

This collection covers the top of her entertainment center plus two shelves below.  Just beautiful! (Again, I lost track of how many times I was up and down an 8' ladder to create this village! But worth every step!)

Shelli has a gorgeous 9' Christmas tree which she centers along a bank of four beautifully treated windows.  Notice the unique window treatments Shelli designed and a friend made for her.  They are hung from metal shelves turned upside down! Isn't that clever! We decorated the tree in shades of red, copper, bronze, gold, and purple. 

We continued with a red, gold and bronze color scheme on her mantle.  Shelli purchased the "weeping" garland last year on a family Christmas trip to Wyoming.

To the left of the fireplace is a niche with a beautiful, tall painted buffet. (before)

Here we displayed a portion of Shelli's collection of Trees and Santas.

You can see more of Shelli's beautiful home Here and Here.

As I sit here writing, I am surrounded by my own Christmas decorations...staring at me...patiently waiting to be opened...and put up!
 Soon! I promise! I WILL post about my own house!
(This is a declaration to myself!)

Surely, I'm not the only one with an undecorated house!
If I am, Don't tell me!



A Little Knick Knack


  1. Wow, another great job on someone's house, Sonya! That lady's snowman collection is amazing. I know it must have taken a lot of time to figure out what to put where. Well, take a rest and then you can start on your home. There's still PLENTY of time! It's only the 1st! :)

  2. So rich! Love all the snowmen and that mantle is gorgeous!

  3. So pretty...yes, I decorated two houses the last two days so my bins are right where I left them along with my good intentions! I love the colors on that tree and have never seen that cool weeping garland.

  4. Beautiful. I love the weeping garland, such an eye catching touch.

  5. Very pretty, Sonya! My tree, except for an angel on top, looks similar to Shelli's. I also collect snowmen, wait, I thought I collected snowmen until I saw Shelli's collection. Mine is just a small gathering after seeing that!

  6. How fun! The water tower snowman is very cool, as is the entire collection. I love the mantel, all of the round bulbs and berries with the nice contrast of garland. Where do your friends store all of their stuff?




  8. You are in such high demand, I can see why your own home must be neglected! As always, everything you touch turns to gold. The photos are lovely and I especially love that "weeping" garland. It's very unusual!

  9. Sonya, you absolutely are NOT the only one without a Christmas decoration in their own home! I personally get tired of the Christmas decorations so fast that I can't start too soon or it literally drains my personal energy battery to look at them for more than a few weeks. But if you're talking about the lighted candles in the windows... those are welcome in my windows from Thanksgiving all the way through the winter!

    Thank you for adding me to your blogroll list! I've added you to mine as well ;)


  10. Very pretty decorations. I just love looking at other people's decorations.

  11. Beautiful...and fun with all the snowmen!!!! Oh, and I do have to add that I love the part "Beyond the Screen Door".

    My show n tell is something my husband cut out for me and I painted. For the Holidays! Here is the link for you. I do hope you'll come visit.

  12. Hi Sonya! Wow! Another fabulous job getting that home all decked out for Christmas! I especially love the mantel and I don't think I have ever seen garland like that before. It is just beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing it at the party this week!

  13. Hi there Sonya~ It all looks beautiful and the garland is gorgeous!! I saw a garland similar at Ben Franklin and thought about it.... should have gotten it- it looks amazing! Thanks for sharing at my party this week! :)

  14. wow - how pretty! everything looks beautiful!

  15. What a beautiful Christmas home! I love the snowmen! My mother collects them, too, and I have fond memories of her snowmen village! Thanks so much for sharing.
    Hope you can enter my Cutting Edge Stencil giveaway going on now! Have a wonderful night! http://alittleknickknack.blogspot.com/2010/11/giveaway-with-cutting-edge-stencils.html

  16. Shelli's tree is so beautiful! I love the rich colors...very elegant.

  17. Another home that you beautifully dressed up. Thanks for sharing this one, too.

  18. HI Sonja. I'm new to your site and love it. I noticed the amazing buffet you have pictured in the last few pics on this post and I have to know where you got it. I found this EXACT one at a garage sale a month ago and they were selling it for $200 and I didn't have cash on me and wrote the guy a check to hold it so that I could run to the atm and come back right then. before I even left, some guy bought it right from under me and I've been sooooo sad about missing out on it. I've been on a quest to know where this buffet is.

    Please help. :)


  19. Mrs. Green!
    Shelli's buffet is by Hooker Furniture Company. Hope you can find one for yourself!


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