Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to Our Home - Kitchen

Our journey to build a new home began over six years ago. Our oldest daughter informed us she'd had enough of dorm life (after one year) and was moving back home. We decided it was time to look for a house that had a better layout for our older kids.
Never, in a million years did I dream this would lead to us being able to build a home! NEVER! I believe it was a God ordained blessing and opportunity from day one! Even though we began with an existing floor plan, my builder Richard Russell, allowed me to change, tweak and design as we went along. The kitchen is just one example.
By reconfiguring the layout and eliminating 6' of wall space we were able to completely open the kitchen to the living room. (To accommodate the loss of a load bearing wall, the beam above the barstools was installed as support for the second floor.) Even though I lost upper cabinet storage, I have never regretted this decision. I love the openness!
I also chose to keep the peninsula counter one height instead of installing a higher eating counter. Again, NEVER regretted this decision. (Even when my dirty dishes are there for ALL the world to see!)
Here you can see how the living room flows into the kitchen. I knew from the house plan stage I wanted a two sided clock. It's the perfect space for one.
We've had the kitchen table and chairs for close to fifteen years.  About 2 years ago I refinished the table to a dark stain. I'm still waiting for inspiration on what to do with the chairs. And the chandelier lampshades, too, for that matter!
The oak cabinets are painted a creamy white and glazed with VanDyke Brown. I thoroughly enjoyed designing this kitchen. I was able to talk the painters into letting me glaze the cabinets to save a little money.  It took me two, whole, exhausting days but I did it!   
The island is stained and glazed black. I wish space had allowed for a bigger island because I use it ALL the time! It's usually covered with supplies while I'm cooking! 
When the time came to build the kitchen cabinets I took a drawing I had done to my builder and trim carpenter and said this is what I'd like. And being the talented craftsmen that they are, that's what I got!
The mantle and spice racks are exactly what I'd hoped for.
Moving on around the kitchen is the microwave and fridge.  The storage above the microwave is only accessible by ladder or chair, good balance and maybe even some counter aerobics! Good thing I don't use those items everyday!
We even squeezed in a sliver of space for my cookbooks.
Just to the right of the fridge is a hallway that leads to the laundry room, powder bath and pantry. I LOVE the door to my pantry.  This hallway has no natural light. The glass door helps to make the space feel more open.  (You are seeing the reflection of a table lamp and bulletin board in the glass.)
My pantry is rarely "glass door" presentable. But you know, I'm ok with that. We live here.
Thank you so much for joining me in this tour of our kitchen.  To see the living room and dining room click HERE.
My biggest hope is you will be inspired or see an idea
to incorporate in your own home! 
And if you do...I'd LOVE to hear about it!
Keeping It Simple


Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. I love your home and style Sonya. I like the shelf over the stove...I see you have cabinets there too...I suppose just things in there you do not use much....I really like the look, and wonder if my hubs would go for it...I am bookmarking to show him. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sonya, I love your kitchen. Great details. That was a great idea cutting out that wall and making a bar with stools. Love the mantel over your stove and what a great floor.

  3. Hi Sonya! Oh, yes, ma'am! I've enjoyed the tour of your kitchen immensely! It's gorgeous and your cabinets are beautiful! How marvelous you had such vision to get exactly what you wanted. I love your mantle over the cooktop! I would love one of those! I see tiny little spice racks too built on the sides of those cabinets on either side of your stove! Genius! So pretty.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I love your home. I love the two faced clock. It's perfect for that spot. We built our home 3 years ago. We loved that we planned every stage to our taste and did alot of work ourselves. And even though it is still a work in progress (we are turning out breeze way into a mud room as soon as the Georgia weather gets warmer) we are enjoying the journey.

  5. Good God, woman! With all the fabric and trims you have on hand I think you can come up with something for your chandelier lampshades! : ) I love seeing those lamps on your sofa table in your living room. I'm betting you did those shades! Your kitchen is gorgeous and I love that you used each inch of space.

  6. I am sooooo jealous of that floor! I am calling hubby right away to beg for a floor just like yours! LOVE the kitchen Sonya! All of the details are perfection! The mantle over the stove is gorgeous...and such a wonderful space for display! I adore the glazed cabinets mixed with the dark...sooooo beautiful! I am loving the tour and it is all going in my favorites...YUMMY!

  7. This home is absolutely gorgeous! I love the island! And the color you painted the cabinets is so awesome!

  8. I would copy that kitchen in a heartbeat! I love every detail about it Those barstools are gorgeous and I love your table. I am still in love with those floors! Amazing!

  9. Your home is beautiful and your kitchen is perfect! So pretty and functional...great job!

  10. Your home is a dream. I love your kitchen, it is stunning. You certainly did a fabulous job with the building and the decorating. Gorgeous. Thank for the tour and the fabulous eye candy. Hugs, Marty

  11. I love your beautiful kitchen. It is so warm and inviting. I also built a house, about 2 years ago and it was a blessing straight from God. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Your kitchen is beautiful but also very functional and easy to work in. I LOVE the granite and the painted and glazed cabinets! The bar is the perfect height....we can sit and watch you cook. :)

  13. So beautiful. I love the fabrics you have chosen for the curtains and furniture. Very pretty!

  14. Your home is beautiful and I love your kitchen!! I just recently found your blog and had to go back and read all of your posts! I just started a blog today - www.1510farmhousefancy.blogspot - and would love it if you would stop by later on when I actually have some posts up!! Our styles are very similar and I also live in Oklahoma!! Thank you and please continue to post pictures of your beautiful home!!!

  15. Sonya, I'm just in love girl!!! The floor, cabinets, above your stove is all just gorgeous!

  16. Your kitchen is so pretty. I love your cabinets and the islands. It looks so warm and cozy. I bet you have a blast cooking in there. I love how it opens into the living room too. Perfect.

    Lee Laurie

  17. Sonya! I literally studied every square inch of each picture, slowly scrolling up and down just to soak in all of the gorgeousness! I mean, I just absolutely love everything and your home just says "warmth" and "relaxed elegance" and you can tell that there was a lot of love and attention to detail put into everything. I am so enjoying this tour and I need to go back now to see your living and dining rooms!

  18. Thanks for stopping by my dining room tour. I so love your kitchen tour and think you did a fantastic job...just my style! Thanks for sharing. Terry

  19. Again another beautiful room! I love that you carried your harloquin inspired flooring on into the kitchen Sonya! You can come to help me out anytime!

  20. Just beautiful Sonya, all your vision paid off big time..Your home is warm and lovely my friend..Thanks so much for sharing..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  21. what a warm and beautiful space! i could totally have a cup of coffee there... it looks so inviting!

  22. Very, very lovely. As always your attention to detail is incredible. I'm chuckling over Kathy's comment above :P!

  23. Sonya,
    Your kitchen is so warm and inviting! It has that French Country charm that I love! I bet you enjoy cooking in there. I'd love to have a prep sink and island. What a dream kitchen! Great details all through your home.

    Hope you've had a good weekend!
    ~Michelle :)

  24. Sonya,
    Your kitchen is beautiful and I can tell you put careful thought in its layout! I love your pantry door and the gorgeous color of your cabinets. Thanks for the tour.:)

  25. You have an amazing kitchen, it is just beautiful. I would love every aspect of that kitchen if it were mine, love it!


  26. I am so green with envy! I love your house. I think I've told you before . .. When I build my dream home, I am printing out pics of your house for inspiration. The mantle above the stove- LOVE! And I must have good taste, because I just purchased one of those clocks that stick out from the wall. (Do they have a particular name?! LOL)

  27. Hi Sonya!
    Love it all honey! Warm, happy, cool, awesome are the words that come to mind. I love, love the brick in the dining room. You are a very special lady. Hugs

  28. Gorgeous kitchen Sonya! I just love the fabric on your bar stools! Thanks for sharing these inspirational pictures!

  29. Very pretty! I love your kitchen and your den. Your style is so warm and cozy! I love all the nooks and crannys in your kitchen you have to display all your pretty decor. You did a great job on the design and the glazing from what I can see! I love it!

  30. Hi Sonja,
    I am your newest follower - cuz I love your style ! I too have a college kid who moved back in....We need a bigger house (hence my blog - SMALL home in the country), LOL !
    Come visit me !

  31. Your kitchen is awesome Sonya! It is loaded with quality details and personal touches, no wonder you love it! I love the island and the mantel over the range!! Next I love the arched entry to the glass doored pantry.

  32. Absolutely beautiful! It looks like a magazine! I love the window treatments at your kitchen table. You may have to give mama and Nita some instructions...those would look really cute in my little morning room.

  33. Your home is just so warm and inviting and rich in textures. With our second in dorm life we have had enough of it all!Fortunately the commute allows them to come every weekend (our oldest graduated last May). I love your candlesticks and rooster accents. Thank you.

  34. i love how open your space is, and your kitchen design is great! those off white cabinets and your backsplash are my faves!

  35. Can i come cook in your kitchen {smile}? Love how youworked in the spice racks and cookbooks nooks. They really give your kitchen a fabulous feel.

    Are you ready for this crazy weather we are about to have?

  36. I'd like to pick out a favorite aspect, but can't! I love soo much about this room and the openness to the adjoining room. Ceiling height is terrific and I love the flooring. Did I say I like the cabinets? Cause I do, and I like that I would be able to see your dirty dishes :)

  37. Oh this is so beautiful!!! The Hubs and I are in the process of redoing our kitchen and this is true inspiration. I just love it and have actually sent the link to Hubs to show him:)
    Thank you so much for sharing your lovely home!

  38. Sonya, I'm so glad I pass by your blog, I love your home and kitchen, just great! You're welcome to join and visit me too...I love what you did, it's a beautiful style, that's why I joyned. I'm kind of new at this, since last Oct.
    Congrats and keep posting.

  39. Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!!

    Sonya!! LOVE it!! Your cabinets and that pantry door! LOVE IT! Those lampshades and the window treatments! It goes without saying that I LOVE them!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  40. just beautiful! make me a cup of coffee?
    i'll just sit here at the island for awhile.

  41. Very pretty kitchen. I love those cabinets. I love that spice rack and I have just the spot for one by my stove like that. This has got my mind racing as to how I can create one in that spot in my own kitchen. Thanks for the inspiration.

  42. I just love this entire space, it is making me home sick. My last house was laid out almost exactly like this, minus the island, which I later wish I had put in :) Lovelye, just lovely little details make it just perfect. Thanks for sharing.

  43. I enjoyed the tour! I love the backsplash and wonder if you can wash this if food splashes upon it? If you don't mind to email me: Cindy332@aol and tell me what you like or dislike about it.

    Thank so much.

  44. I just love your kitchen! Everytime I see it, it makes me feel warm and cozy! I think anybody would feel right at home when they enter your home! Oh, how I wish we lived near each other! We would be fast friends!

  45. I really enjoyed looking around your kitchen! I love it. Your counter tops I would die for.

  46. Just beautiful!

  47. Wow, wow, wow!!! Your kitchen is awesome! I love how you did the shelf/cabinet thing over the stove. I saved one of the pictures for my hubby to see so that he can build me a similar piece for my kitchen. We are in the process of a budget friendly (a.k.a. cheap as possible)kitchen makeover and I have been scouring the internet trying to find ideas. You've provided me with lots of inspiration!

  48. Just swooning over your kitchen again, Sonya. We have lived in our house 11 years and it's time to do a little updating. Your layout is similar to ours. Your kitchen is beautiful!

  49. What a beautiful kitchen! I love the stove area with the hidden spice racks.


Thank you so much for visiting! I love hearing from you and reading your sweet comments! Thank you!