Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You Are My Sunshine Art Canvas

This is one of those classic songs that everyone remembers and cherishes from our childhood. We've all heard it...and we continue to sing it to our children.
When Judy and I talked about customizing a piece of artwork for her guest bedroom/granchildren's room, she said she wanted to use the words to "You are my Sunshine" because it holds a special place in her heart! So...that's what we did!
And here's how!  
I used a 20x30 canvas, purchased at Hobby Lobby, craft paint, paint brush, sponge brush, spray sealer and since I don't own one of those glorious Silhouette or Cricut overhead projector!
I started by painted the canvas with white craft paint and while it was still wet, began brushing in different shades of turquoise and blue. Notice the scientific method of squirts and blobs.
For this step I used a 3" paint brush. I also used water from a spray bottle to keep the paint wet, adding more color as needed.
When I was happy with the background, I decided where I wanted the sun and began by painting the circle white to block out any of the background color. This took a couple of coats.
The sun is a combination of Kings Gold, Lemon Chiffon and white with a touch of Barn Red.  
The sun and it's rays were painted with a 1" sponge brush randomly dipped in a combination of the above three colors.  
Now we come to the old school, technical part of this project! First I called my sweet friend, Brec and borrowed her overhead projector. Judy had shown me a font she liked. So, I messed around on the computer and printed out the words.
Now, it wasn't until I had the words all printed out on computer paper that it dawned on me...I needed it on a transparency! Duh! Of course stopping and going to the store was not an option!
With necessity being the mother of invention, I crossed my fingers, said a quick prayer and ran a plastic sleeve protector through my printer. And it worked!!! The ink stayed wet for the longest time...but it worked!
The words you see here are from the "transparency" projected onto the canvas. I hung the canvas on the wall and painted the words with black craft paint.
Even though the font size was great, I had to adjust the spacing in order for all the words to fit the length of the canvas. Using a level was a necessity! I would make sure the canvas was vertically level on the wall, as well as making sure each line of the song was horizontally level.  Quite tedious. 
When it was complete, I sprayed on several coats of sealer. I could have used a brush on sealer, but didn't want to take a chance of smearing the words.
It took approximately 5 hours, over several days, to complete this project.
But well worth it!
 Perfect for the space above the bed!
I never realized, until I was researching this song, just how strange the verses are! Very strange. And numerous!
If you'd like to see more of the song, check out this site.

Coming soon...lampshade projects from this room!

Beyond The Picket Fence

A Little Knick KnackUndertheTableandDreaming



  1. It may have been tedious, Sonya, but it turned out fantastic! What a unique piece of artwork your friend has now. The font is great and what luck that the plastic sleeve worked.

  2. Wow you are so talented. I don't know if I could ever had finished that, no way in five hours. I have that saying on a pillow. Funny all three of us, my sisters, bought the same pillow at different locations and didn't even know it. Pretty freaky!

  3. That is absolutely amazing! I love it.

    Hey be sure to come by for the Shabby Apple Dress give away that I'm having. :)

  4. Just when I think I've seen all of your creative genius-ness, you go and do something like this! I like how you ended it with "I love you" and that your sunshine has curly rays. This one painting covers whimsy, nostalgia and sentiment all in one. Hugs, girl! btw--you are so funny running a sleeve through your printer, I hope your darling husband doesn't know ;).

  5. We've sung that song to our children for ever! Love the song and the wonderful way you've captured it through artwork...adorable!!!

  6. That is so pretty! I love the "swirly" sun. The colors are perfect with the bedding. You're so talented!!!

  7. Sonya, this is absolutely beautiful! Just when I think I know all the fabulous things you can do, you go and blow my socks off! Completely adorable. :)

  8. And you're an artist too! LOL! Great job! No doubt Judy was thrilled with the results!

  9. Beautiful artwork! Thank you for tutorial...looks great in the bedroom!

  10. This is beautiful! I would love to make one for my little boy's room.

  11. I love grandpa used to sing this to me on a ukeleli when I was little and it brings tears to my eyes when I think of it! I love this painting and am going to get my DIL to do something like this for me..

  12. It was worth it Sonya! This is so precious!! I just love it in the odd sidenote, my aunt loved this song was her mantra...when she passed away her daughter asked me to sing it at her funeral. You are right, some of the verses are just sad...I stuck to the chorus! lol

    Hope you are having a great week!

    Lou Cinda

  13. Oh my goodness! Sonya, this is so adorable. What a wonderful piece of art for your friend. I love this little song. I recently painted a monkey on canvas. Since I couldn't find what I was looking for I made my own. lol
    I never thought to do a song or a saying. I love this idea!

    have a wonderful evening~ L

  14. you could not have picked a better project it is perfect above the bed!!

  15. I love this! It is just beautiful and perfect for a child's room!

    I don't own a cutting machine either, so I have to get creative when it comes to lettering too. I think that's a good thing though - I like having to think!

  16. I love it. I'm your newest follower. It would be great if you could stop by my blog Monday and add your project to The More The Merrier Link Party.

  17. That's so pretty! Great idea with the overhead projector.

  18. This is such a beautiful piece of art -- I absolutely adore it! I saw your post on At the Picket Fence and now I'm following to see what other nifty things you have planned. :-)

  19. Sonya that is just wonderful and it brings back soooo many sweet memories! I sang that to both of my babies and would change the words at the end to, "please don't take my Ian/Lauren away". :-) This is just fantastic and you never cease to amaze me with your talent and creativity. Thanks so much for linking it up to Inspiration Friday this week!

  20. Well done! It looks great too where you put it (must go find out how you did the bedding too...)

  21. Just beautiful! I don't know how you even completed it in 5 hours...tedious for sure. I love, love the sun! You did such a wonderful job on this...will be anxious to see the rest of your creations.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  22. Oh my gosh! I love it! Thanks for sharing ~ please come by and say hi sometime!

  23. I had to shed a little tear reading this - my firstborn had a tiny stuffed elephant that played this tune. I changed the words to "you are my Shannon-shine" and we still sing it when we are together...wonder if she is too old at 30 to want one of these?!?!
    It's just beautiful, thanks for sharing!

  24. very beautiful room! Love the artwork and also the bedding.

    I am having a giveaway on my site. A chance to win $15 store credit from LiaGeneFab11 to select fancy hairbands and clips for little girls.

  25. Sonya that turned out precious. Very nice job.

    I highlighted your blog tonight on my post!
    Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  26. This is so delightful! I love this art work - what a great idea and beautiful finished piece! Thanks for sharing this at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  27. This is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing the steps. I have just started painting a little on canvas and would like to do some more so all of the tips are great.


  28. Thanks for sharing this at my party!

  29. I just adore this! I have always loved that's so touching. I sing it to my kids.

  30. That is So Cute! my friend is having a baby and I wanted to make something for the nursery wall, I may have to steal this idea from you ;) Thank you for sharing, it is GREAT!

  31. Hi I saw your name over at Melissa's WOW I LOVE what you created !!! I sang that song to my kids all the time when they were little. Oh I loved this post and it's so nice to meet you :)

    All the best,
    Kathy :)

  32. i featured your canvas this week!

  33. You inspire me! I can only hope that when I finally hold my breath and put brush to canvas that the end result is nearly as good as your painting is!!! Congratulations on such a beautiful creation!


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