Monday, April 18, 2011

What's Going On in my life at the moment...

In six weeks my family dynamic will change. I will have a married daughter and a son-in-law!
Courtney and Drew are getting married on Memorial Day weekend, 2011. Six weeks. Are we ready? That would be...NO!
Approximately 2 weeks ago, Courtney called, very upset, and said there might be a problem with the wedding venue. I'm not one to worry overly much until I know there's a reason to worry. By the next day...I was worrying.
During the process of renovation, the place we had booked (last October) discovered major electrical issues, which led to inspectors, which led insurance reviews, which led to wedding cancellations. 
Though the owner was very sweet and tried to make it work for us, we decided we needed to find another site for the wedding. 
Tuesday...found out there might be a problem.
Wednesday...found out there was a problem.
Thursday...had a new site for the wedding.
Friday...placed order to have invitations reprinted! 
I'm telling you, God was one step ahead of us. He always is!
The new site is the private home of family friends, set on 55 acres of beautiful Oklahoma pastureland with a delightful wooded area and even a "secret garden". We called the family, explained the situation and asked if they had ever considered having a wedding on their property. Their response was, "We've always wanted to have a wedding on the property." and "We will make this happen for you!"  I almost cried. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't because I'm about to cry just writing this.
In the meantime, I'm trying my best to finish jobs for clients, decide how many tables and chairs we'll need, make lists, borrow air mattresses, clear out the ratty towels from the linen closet, make lists, figure out what to purchase for gluten free family members, make lists, clean ceiling fans, "What am I going to wear!" along with "I don't have time to go shopping!", trying to make, paint and sew decor items for the wedding, telling my kids "It's ok! Really! You can have cereal for supper!", make lists.........
As you can see, my mind is kind of spastic at the moment! 
But the most important thing six weeks my home will be full to overflowing with precious family members. All here to help us celebrate the marriage of our first child. (Here I go about to cry again.) Family and friends celebrating one of life's most precious events. A God ordained event.
All photos property of and taken by Stacy Ramsey Photography
I am blessed. A bit spastic. But blessed.
Now, I wonder if I can repaint my bedroom and have a garage sale before everyone gets here?
Just Kidding!


  1. Our venue cancelled four months out. In Dallas it took us a wwek to find another. That was a call I dreaded to my daughter finishing up college. I didn't call her until I had about three options to give her. Worked out beautifully. And weddings are a most wondeful family and friend time.

  2. Oh my goodness! Your plate is full, but I know the wedding is going to be beautiful. Take time to enjoy - remember, at the end of the day only we know how we wanted it ;)

  3. I'm doing the same countdown as you. Our oldest daughter gets married May 29th IN OUR BACKYARD!
    We have an empty nest, so my hubby is fine w/cereal for supper...over and over. whew.
    But the days are going fast, as you know. Sometimes, I wish the planning was over and the fun happening already.
    Blessings on you momma of the bride. I know the emotional pull, physical weariness, and extreme happiness.
    Hubby and I enjoyed watching our favorite musical yesterday...Fiddler on the Roof...we laughed, giggled and sniffled our way through it. Hope you can make time to enjoy the journey too.
    I'll pray for good weather for Oklahoma, too, as I pray for good southwest Kansas weather that weekend.

  4. I bet the new venue will be even better - things just work out like that sometimes! And the engagement pictures are wonderful!

  5. Thank goodness it worked out, and it all will no matter what. Fabulous photos!

  6. You got this girlie!!!!! I'm sure it will be a beautiful venue!! :) Let's pray for light winds!!

  7. Beautiful photos. I know it will all be good and the better than you can imagine. It'll just be really busy.....but you can do it.

  8. I was worried just reading this! But it will work out and be more wonderful than you could have imagined. You need to remember to stop and enjoy this time Sonya, and have fun with it!

  9. And I thought I've been feeling stressed, Sonya! I'm sure the change of venue was not something anyone wants to have to deal with, but with six weeks to go . . . I think I'd cry, too. Here's a hug though! : ) I am gluten free, so if you need some food ideas, send me an email and let me know. I can tell you what I eat!

  10. Sonya, if anyone can make all this's YOU! You might not sleep for 6 weeks...but you'll get it done and everything will turn out beautifully. Can't wait to see pics of the wedding!

  11. Your plate is full, Sonya! I'm happy to hear that you have a new place to have the wedding. less thing to worry about! I know you'll be super busy in the upcoming weeks. I can imagine the wedding is going to be so lovely and fun. Your daughter and son in law are a beautiful couple. The photos are great. I look forward to seeing and hearing about this wonderful day!

  12. The funny thing is Mom, you so totally would choose re-painting your bedroom over finding your wedding-day outfit! :) Love you!

  13. Those photos are so cute, I really like the old fashioned chair in them. I DID NOT remember the date, holy cow, girl! I have mental pictures of Scarlet O'Hare in her dress made out of velvet draperies--only it's Sonya in a sundress she whipped up with some of her leftover drapery fabric- Lol!

  14. Oh Sonya ~ I can't imagine the venue being changed so close to the wedding date ... how stressful. Your daughter and son-to-be look so happy together. I'm sure, in the end, it's all going to work out and be LOVELY ... Congratulations!

  15. Those pictures are AMAZING Sonya!!! Seriously like magazine worthy. They look like the belong in a country group and that last photo is the album cover! :-) I'm so glad that everything is coming together despite the hiccups and that you are all hanging in there. And I love that you said that this is "God Ordained"...not something most young couples consider these days, unfortunately. Thanks for letting us come along on the journey with you!

  16. No room in your house needs repainted! Every room is gorgeous, and will be so filled with family that no one will be able to SEE the walls. :)

    I agree with Beth; if anyone can pull all this off, it's you! Just take lots of deep breaths and remember....Mom will be there a week early!

  17. What beautiful pics Sonya!! I know how proud you must be and I too teared up for you! Any mama would! Praying things continue to fall in place for y'all!

  18. Sonya! I am, slowly but surely, making my way around to all of my favorite blogs, after being for weeks without a laptop. I know I have a lot to catch up on here! And THIS post? Holy cow, it seems like last week that you did a post on their engagement! Time sure flies. The happy couple looks beautiful in the photos above. And don't worry... as you said, God is taking care of everything. Maybe not as fast as you like, but patience is a virtue. :) But don't worry, you will get everything done. But I do agree with you on one thing: LISTS, LISTS, LISTS!! LOL! Have fun getting everything done, I can only imagine how gorgeous everything is going to be.
    P.S. I will be back to see other posts/what I missed while I was gone. :)

  19. Wow!! Love the photos of your daughter. Very beautiful. All things happen for a reason, so I'm sure your new venue will be amazing!!! Oh, I do hope we get to see pictures of that as well. I completely understand painting a room when many other things need to be done!! Hang in there, keep calm, and ENJOY the journey!!!!
    Have a great day Sonya!!

  20. The pictures are so pretty! I can't wait to see pics from the wedding. You are going to share it with us aren't you??

  21. Love, Love, Love the pictures!! Beautiful kids!!
    Sonya, let the younger kids have the garage sale for you and that would free up the time for you to paint your room. You can have your cake and eat it too. You will have the right dress and things be just the way you and your daughter want them. You can so pull this off!

    Good Luck!! God is on a roll opening doors for you, let's keep praying that keeps happening!

  22. Well, you sure brought tears to my eyes at the thought of your first born getting married. Oh, my!! Just hearing your words and seeing the gorgeous pictures, I'm sure they will have a life full of love and blessings. Congratulations and don't forget to breathe!!!

  23. Sonya, what a beautiful daughter to such a beautiful mother! I am sure you will make this wedding an event to remember - what a lucky girl!! Can't wait to see photos - will you be able to share photos?? I hope so!

  24. I can only imagine the sort of "panic" you might be feeling. My daughter had her wedding date planned, etc. Then they came up one week before a NEW date and were set on it. I was in total overwhelm!! Of course, I felt they were too young anyway but hey, they do what they do. At least you have some lead time. :-)

    If I were closer, I'd be glad to help out. Just try your best not to's all about the wedding and no inspections of your home or the linen closet. We just won't allow that! :-)

    The photos are simply beautiful! A wonderful photographer and an incredible couple.


  25. Glad it worked out! Those photos are gorgeous!

  26. It will be a gorgeous, beautiful,fabulous and blessed day!! Everything will work out perfectly! I know you are so excited!

    Their photos are stunning...

    Lou Cinda

  27. First, those pictures are beyond fabulous. Truly beautiful.
    Second, after your wedding is over, please let me know all your survival secrets! I'm not in a panic quite yet as ours is three months away, but I know it will happen soon enough!
    Have FUN! I can't wait to hear all about it.


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