Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Prom Corsage, Boutonniere and Pish Posh Couture

Isn't this just the cutest thing, EVER?
Bear with me because I'm going to brag on my kids just a bit!
My daughter, Kaleigh, made this corsage, and a matching boutonniere, for her brother for prom this year. 
 My precious, one and only, handsome son, Garrison.
Having two older daughters, I have to say, the prom experience with a son is completely different than with girls! Completely! 
Once Kaleigh was able to finagle the color of the dress out of Garrison, she proceeded to make a corsage and boutonniere using fabric, tulle and ribbon in shades of blue, gray and black.
I'm telling you, these are just too cute! Love the added sparkly thingies!
A zebra print sheer ribbon, tied in a HUGE bow, was used to attach the corsage to the wrist.  
Kaleigh was only moderately proud of her handiwork. 
Actually, I am quite proud of her myself! She did such a great job. And this is only one of her many talents! She's a blogger, too! If you're like Kaleigh and love all things pertaining to fashion, hair and makeup, she'd love for you to check out her blog, Pish Posh Couture! (She takes custom orders, too!)

Wedding Countdown: 19 days!


  1. Well I can see it~ like mother like daughter! She puts fabrics and patterns together like you!!

  2. That is so cute! Love it. She's a talented girl!

  3. Love her handiwork...I see it runs in the family!
    have a great day,

  4. Wow. The talent sure does run in the family! Cute idea and a nice keepsake.
    Your children are beautiful, Sonya!
    Good luck with the wedding. I know you must be super busy.
    have a great day~ L

  5. How darling! I wish I would have seen this before our prom - I will bookmark for next year!

  6. I love it! She's very talented. Your kids are adorable.

  7. Your son and daughter are so handsome/ cute :). Obviously the creative DNA runs through your sweet family, Sonya. I'm sure no one else at prom at zebra print or sparkles on his/her flowers. Hugs, Kim

  8. What gorgeous children! Looks like your daughter is as talented as you are. Good luck with the wedding.

  9. How cute and talented! Wonder where they got it? ;o)

  10. Absolutely darling! I'm not surprised at her creativity...her mom is a major influence I'm sure. :-)

    Both kids look wonderful ~ very pretty and really handsome, respectfully.


  11. The talent really runs in the family! As do the looks because your "kids" are just beautiful...and handsome! :-) I think that corsage would be such a great wedding alternative too if someone wanted to have it as a keepsake. Great idea!

  12. Your daughter is very talented... what a great idea!

  13. That's a awesome corsage!!!! Talent runs in the family!!!


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